• I have selected a custom post type and in the preview the list looks great, but when I generate the csv file it only downloads 11 of the 644 posts I have. Please advise how to have the file include all info.


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  • I had the same problem and I kind of have a work around – if you modify line 331 of export-all-post-meta-class.php to ‘posts_per_page’ => -1, it will display all of the info. Then you can copy all of them from the browser and paste where you might need them.

    not the most elegant solution, but it will at least get you closer



    ddangelillo is close. If you put a comma after ‘post_type’ => $this->settings[‘post_types’] on line 221 and add a line below with the same ‘posts_per_page’ => -1 it will work as you’d expect. That’s the query that actually gets the data for the export. By default WP_Query uses the setting in Settings >> Reading >> Blog pages to show at most if that property isn’t set.

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