Hi @abdallahgh,
Our SLS team has provided the following code that you can use as a mu-plugin.
You can find more information below on how to use mu-plugins.
add_action( 'wp_footer', 'wpmudev_fix_intelinput_country', 9999 );
function wpmudev_fix_intelinput_country() {
global $post;
if ( is_a( $post, 'WP_Post' ) && !has_shortcode($post->post_content, 'forminator_form') ) {
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery( document ).ready( function($) {
setTimeout(function() {
$(document).on('after.load.forminator', function(e, form_id) {
var form = $( '#forminator-module-2910' ),
is_material = form.is('.forminator-design--material'),
fields = form.find('.forminator-field--phone');
fields.each(function () {
var is_national_phone = $(this).data('national_mode'),
country = $(this).data('country'),
validation = $(this).data('validation');
if ('undefined' !== typeof (is_national_phone)) {
if (is_material) {
var args = {
nationalMode: ('enabled' === is_national_phone) ? true : false,
initialCountry: 'undefined' !== typeof ( country ) ? country : 'us',
utilsScript: window.ForminatorFront.cform.intlTelInput_utils_script,
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof ( validation ) && 'standard' === validation ) {
args.allowDropdown = false;
// stop from removing country code.
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof ( validation ) && 'international' === validation ) {
args.autoHideDialCode = false;
args.preferredCountries = ["al", "us", "gb"]; //These countries will appear at the top
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof ( validation )
&& 'international' === validation ) {
var dial_code = $(this).intlTelInput( 'getSelectedCountryData' ).dialCode,
country_code = '+' + dial_code;
if ( country_code !== $(this).val() ) {
var phone_value = $(this).val().trim().replace( dial_code, '' );
$(this).val( country_code + phone_value );
if ( ! is_material ) {
$(this).closest( '.forminator-field' ).find( 'div.iti' ).addClass( 'forminator-phone' );
} else {
$(this).closest( '.forminator-field' ).find( 'div.iti' ).addClass( 'forminator-input-with-phone' );
if ( $(this).closest( '.forminator-field' ).find( 'div.iti' ).hasClass( 'iti--allow-dropdown' ) ) {
$(this).closest( '.forminator-field' ).find( '.forminator-label' ).addClass( 'iti--allow-dropdown' );
// intlTelInput plugin adds a markup that's not compatible with 'material' theme when 'allowDropdown' is true (default).
// If we're going to allow users to disable the dropdown, this should be adjusted accordingly.
if (is_material) {
//$(this).wrap('<div class="forminator-input--wrap"></div>');
You will need to change the form ID from 2910 to your form’s ID in this line
var form = $( '#forminator-module-2910' )
args.preferredCountries = ["al", "us", "gb"];
– In this line our SLS team have added a few example countries that will appear at the top. So, you can sort the countries this way and add more countries name in this array to make them appear at top.
This solution can also be found on https://gist.github.com/wpmudev-sls/92856992d220730aea7436e74e00762d
Kind regards,