• Resolved dudleyks



    The website I am working on is christening-baptismal.com and I am using the Customizr theme.
    I’m really happy with Customizr, but there are two things I would like to change & I’m getting a bit stuck doing it.
    As recommended in the Customizr manual, I have installed Childify Me and activated the child theme.

    1) I would like to change the skin colour to match the brand’s colour – #8c001a – and have tried to follow this tuturial (https://presscustomizr.com/snippet/create-new-skin-color/) but as I am not using a child theme through an FTP client I don’t know where to find the actual CSS code to edit it – this means I can’t even do step 1 (“Go to /wp-content/themes/customizr/inc/css and move a copy of red.css to /wp-content/themes/customizr-child/inc/css. Now copy the 3 subdirectories (fonts, img and rtl) from /wp-content/themes/customizr/inc/css to /wp-content/themes/customizr-child/inc/css/”).

    2) I would also like to make the tagline in the upper right hand corner bigger, as at the moment, it isn’t very obvious. Again, without being able to find the code, I’m a bit stuck. Also, I realise that the site is responsive and that the font size changes depending on the device/etc. so I’m not sure how to take this into account either.

    In my site’s dashboard under Appearance > Edit CSS, but there’s just a message saying “/*Welcome to Custom CSS!To learn how this works, see https://wp.me/PEmnE-Bt*/ ” but I’ve looked at the link and it doesn’t help at all as my screen doesn’t look like the one shown in the link.

    I’ve also looked under Appearance > Editor > Styles > Stylesheet (style.css) but there again the only text is: “/*Theme Name: Customizr – Child Version: 1.0 Description: A child theme of Customizr Template: customizr Author: Administrator */ /* Your awesome customization starts here */” and I can’t see anything to edit…

    I hope this makes sense & I’m really sorry if this is a really basic question, but I would be so grateful for any tips and advice you can give me!

    Thank you in advance ??


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  • Plugin Author Rocco Aliberti


    Hello dudleyks,
    the aim of this plugin is to easily make a child-theme . Which is composed by a style.css (pointing to the parent theme) and – optionally – a functions.php file.
    To customizr your theme/child-theme then you have to refer to the parent docs and/or support forum. Then you might want to open a new topic here .
    But since you’re here… ??

    1) you need a way to access to your server, it can be done with ftp, with cPanel or whatever other way your hosting provider, makes available to you. You should ask to them so ??
    Otherwise you can skip that procedure, copy the content of the following file in your child-theme style.css
    (from line 51 to the end of the file) and make the color changes you need.
    (this way you’ll override the default skins CSS rules)

    2) Actually you don’t need to find the code used to style that element. You need to find the right selector and write your own rule.
    In your case:
    following will style the tagline in “desktop-mode”

    .navbar-wrapper .inside.site-description {
        font-size: 20px; /* change this */

    this will style the tagline in “mobiles”

    .tc-header .outside .site-description {
      font-size: 25px; /* change this */

    You should put this kind of codes in your child-theme style.css .
    You can access the child-theme style.css through Appearance -> Editor , then select the child-theme in the right dropdown box.

    To understand which selector you need, take a look at this:

    Hope this helps.

    Thread Starter dudleyks


    Thank you so much – that’s perfect! Both issues are now fixed – you are amazing! Sorry for posting in the wrong place, I wasn’t sure where the issue was, but again, thank you so much for taking the time to set me right ??

    Plugin Author Rocco Aliberti


    Glad to hear that!
    I’m very happy you solved ??

    Don’t worry about posting in the wrong place, honestly part of your question could be referred to child-themes in general so.. ??
    I just wanted to tell you what to do in the future ??

    Bests and thanks for your words!

    Dudleyks I have the same problem, i want to change the font size of my tagline, using the child theme i get where it says “your awesome cusyomization starts here ” however when i add the code as provided d4z_c0nf above (.navbar-wrapper .inside.site-description {
    font-size: 20px; /* change this */
    the editor refuses to save the changes & deactivates the plug in

    Kindly assist me

    below is my working child theme, kindly let me know where to add the code

    * Plugin Name: Childify Me
    * Plugin URI: https://github.com/eri-trabiccolo/childify-me
    * Description: Create a child theme from the Theme Customizer panel
    * Version: 1.0.13
    * Author: Rocco Aliberti
    * Author URI: https://github.com/eri-trabiccolo
    * License: GPL2+

    * Fires the plugin
    * @author Rocco Aliberti
    * @since 1.0.0
    * TODO:
    * – handle errors on wp_filesystem->put_contents() ?
    if ( ! class_exists( ‘Childify_Me’ ) ) :
    class Childify_Me {
    //Access any method or var of the class with classname::$instance -> var or method():
    static $instance;
    public $plug_name;
    public $plug_version;
    public $plug_lang;

    function __construct () {
    self::$instance =& $this;
    $this -> plug_name = ‘Childify Me’;
    $this -> plug_version = ‘1.0.13’;
    $this -> plug_lang = ‘childify-me’;

    if ( ! defined( ‘CM_DIR_NAME’ ) ) {
    define( ‘CM_DIR_NAME’ , basename( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) );
    if ( ! defined( ‘CM_BASE_URL’ ) ) {
    define( ‘CM_BASE_URL’ , plugins_url( CM_DIR_NAME ) );
    if ( ! defined( ‘CM_CACTION’ ) ) {
    define( ‘CM_CACTION’ , ‘cm_create’ );

    //adds plugin text domain
    add_action( ‘plugins_loaded’, array( $this , ‘cm_plugin_lang’ ) );
    //setup hooks
    add_action( ‘plugins_loaded’, array( $this , ‘cm_plugin_setup_hooks’) );
    }//end of construct

    function cm_plugin_setup_hooks() {

    add_action ( ‘customize_controls_enqueue_scripts’,
    array( $this , ‘cm_customize_js_css’ ),

    add_action ( ‘customize_controls_print_footer_scripts’,
    array( $this, ‘print_template’ )

    add_action (‘wp_ajax_’.CM_CACTION,
    array( $this, ‘cm_create_child_theme’)

    // ajax callback
    function cm_create_child_theme(){
    if ( ! is_user_logged_in() )
    wp_die( 0 );

    check_ajax_referer( ‘cm-nonce’, ‘CMnonce’ );

    if ( ! current_user_can( ‘edit_theme_options’ ) )
    wp_die( -1 );
    if ( isset($_POST[‘parent’]) ){
    if ( wp_get_theme($_POST[‘parent’]) -> parent() )
    wp_die( 0 );
    wp_die( 0 );

    $this -> create_child_theme(

    function create_child_theme($parent_stylesheet, $childname){
    global $wp_filesystem;
    if ( ( $creds = request_filesystem_credentials( ”, ”, false,
    get_theme_root(), null ) ) === false ) {

    if ( ! WP_Filesystem( $creds, get_theme_root() ) ) {
    request_filesystem_credentials( ”, ”, true, get_theme_root(), null );

    if ( ! ( $wp_filesystem instanceof WP_Filesystem_Base ) ) {
    if ( ! WP_Filesystem() ) {
    wp_send_json_error( array(
    ‘message’ =>__( ‘Error while trying to access the filesystem!’,
    $this -> plug_lang )

    $current_theme = wp_get_theme( $parent_stylesheet );
    $parent_stylesheet = $current_theme -> get_stylesheet();
    $parent_name = $current_theme -> Name ? $current_theme -> Name :
    $child = $childname;
    $child_theme_directory = trailingslashit( get_theme_root() ) .
    sanitize_file_name( strtolower( $child ) ) ;
    $parent_theme_directory = $current_theme -> get_stylesheet_directory();

    $i = 2;
    /* incremental dirname */
    $suffix = ”;
    while ( $wp_filesystem -> is_dir( $child_theme_directory . $suffix ) )
    $suffix = ‘_’ . $i++;

    $child .= $suffix;
    $child_theme_directory .= $suffix;

    $current_user = wp_get_current_user();
    $author = strlen($current_user -> user_firstname .
    $current_user -> user_lastname) > 0 ?
    trim( $current_user -> user_firstname . ” ” . $current_user -> user_lastname ) :
    __( ‘Administrator’, $this -> plug_lang );

    $load_parent_stylesheet = ! in_array( $parent_stylesheet,
    ‘customizr-pro’) ) ? ‘*/
    @import url(“../’.$parent_stylesheet.’/style.css”);’ : ‘*/’;

    $wp_filesystem -> mkdir( $child_theme_directory );
    $child_stylesheet = trailingslashit( $child_theme_directory ) . ‘style.css’;
    $child_stylesheet_content = <<<EOF
    Theme Name: $child
    Version: 1.0
    Description: A child theme of $parent_name
    Template: $parent_stylesheet
    Author: $author
    /* Your awesome customization starts here */
    $wp_filesystem -> put_contents( $child_stylesheet, $child_stylesheet_content );
    $child_functionsphp_content = <<<EOF
    /* Write your awesome functions below */

    $child_functionsphp = trailingslashit( $child_theme_directory ) . ‘functions.php’;
    $wp_filesystem -> put_contents( $child_functionsphp, $child_functionsphp_content );

    /* create the child-theme screenshot.png*/
    if ( file_exists( $parent_theme_directory . ‘/screenshot.png’ ) ) {
    if ( extension_loaded( ‘gd’ ) && function_exists( ‘gd_info’ ) ){
    $screenshot = $this -> childify_screenshot(
    $parent_theme_directory . ‘/screenshot.png’);
    $wp_filesystem -> put_contents( $child_theme_directory . ‘/screenshot.png’,
    $screenshot );
    $wp_filesystem -> copy( $parent_theme_directory . “/screenshot.png”,
    $child_theme_directory . ‘/screenshot.png’ );

    wp_send_json_success( array(
    ‘stylesheet’ => sanitize_file_name( strtolower( $child ) )
    }//end of create_child_theme()

    //create screenshot image(string): overlay of parent screenshot + childify-me badge
    function childify_screenshot( $screenshot ){
    $parent_src = imagecreatefrompng($screenshot);
    $cm_src = imagecreatefrompng( plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) .
    ‘/back/assets/img/child.png’ );

    if ( function_exists(‘imagecreatetruecolor’) ){
    $dest = imagecreatetruecolor(880, 660);
    imagecopy( $dest, $parent_src, 0, 0, 0, 0, 880, 660 );
    $dest = $parent_src;

    imagecopy( $dest, $cm_src, 0, 0, 0, 0, 350, 350 );

    header( ‘Content-Type: image/png’ );
    imagepng( $dest );
    $image = ob_get_contents();

    imagedestroy( $cm_src );
    imagedestroy( $dest );

    if ( $dest !== $parent_src ){
    imagedestroy( $parent_src );

    return $image;

    //declares the plugin translation domain
    function cm_plugin_lang() {
    load_plugin_textdomain( $this -> plug_lang , false, CM_DIR_NAME . ‘/lang’ );

    function cm_customize_js_css() {
    global $wp_customize;
    $current_stylesheet = $wp_customize -> theme() -> stylesheet ;
    if ( wp_get_theme( $current_stylesheet ) -> parent() )

    sprintf(‘%1$s/back/assets/css/cm-customizer%2$s.css’ ,
    ( defined(‘WP_DEBUG’) && true == WP_DEBUG ) ? ” : ‘.min’
    array( ‘customize-controls’ ),
    $this -> plug_version,
    $media = ‘all’
    ‘cm-customizer’ ,
    sprintf(‘%1$s/back/assets/js/cm-customizer%2$s.js’ ,
    ( defined(‘WP_DEBUG’) && true == WP_DEBUG ) ? ” : ‘.min’
    array( ‘customize-controls’, ‘underscore’ ),
    $this -> plug_version,
    ‘AjaxUrl’ => admin_url( ‘admin-ajax.php’ ),
    ‘CMnonce’ => wp_create_nonce( ‘cm-nonce’ ),
    ‘Action’ => CM_CACTION,
    ‘Parent’ => $current_stylesheet

    //this template will be loaded with underscore in cm-customizr(.min).js
    function print_template(){
    <script type=”text/template” id=”childify-tpl”>
    <div id=”childify-container”>
    printf(‘<span id=”cm-info” class=”cm-notice”>%1$s</span>’,
    __(‘Click on the button below to create a child theme’, $this -> plug_lang )
    printf(‘<span id=”cm-add-new” class=”cm-add-new button button-primary” tabindex=”0″>%1$s
    “Childify Me”
    <div id=”cm-form-container” style=”display:none”>
    <form id=”cm-form”>

    <input placeholder=”%1$s” type=”text” id=”cm-cname” name=”cm-cname” value=”” tabindex=”0″>
    <div id=”cm-actions”>
    <span id=”cm-create” class=”button button-secondary” tabindex=”0″>%2$s</span><span class=”button button-secondary” id=”cm-cancel” tabindex=”0″>%3$s</span>
    __( “Child theme name here” , $this -> plug_lang ),
    __( “Create” , $this -> plug_lang ),
    __( “Cancel” , $this -> plug_lang )
    printf(‘<div id=”cm-success” class=”updated”><p>%1$s <span id=”cm-ctheme”></span> %2$s</p>%3$s</div>’,
    __(“Child theme”, $this -> plug_lang ),
    __(“successfully created!”, $this -> plug_lang ),
    ( ! is_multisite() ) ?
    sprintf(‘%1$s?theme=’, admin_url( ‘customize.php’ ) ),
    __(“Preview and Activate”, $this -> plug_lang ),
    ) :
    __(“Go to Network Themes”, $this -> plug_lang ),
    }//end of class


    Plugin Author Rocco Aliberti


    Why did you copy the plugin code here?
    Did you copy it also in your child-theme style.css?

    The thing with this plugin is simple.
    Activate it, create your child theme, then use your child-theme, with or without this plugin active.
    This plugin just lets you create a child-theme, when you did it the work of this plugin is ended.

    I am sorry for posting the plugin code, i now understand its work.
    my child theme is called phinlander1, i am working on style.css in phinlander1 below is the code i have put but it does not work.

    Theme Name: phinlander1
    Version: 1.0
    Description: A child theme of Customizr
    Template: customizr
    Author: Administrator
    /* Your awesome customization starts here */

    .navbar-wrapper .inside.site-description
    font-size: 45px; /* change this */

    Plugin Author Rocco Aliberti


    No problem ??
    Just wanted to be sure you didn’t copy it in your child-theme ??
    Anyway most likely it doesn’t depend on the plugin itself, as I said above, once it creates the child theme its job is done, but to be sure I should have a look at your site.. Can you share a link to your site?
    Did you activate the child theme right?


    Is there a way i can check if i activated the child theme correctly?

    Plugin Author Rocco Aliberti


    I can see that you didn’t activate it from the home html src:
    line 323
    <link rel='stylesheet' id='customizr-style-css' href='https://www.phinlandersafaris.com/wp-content/themes/customizr/style.css?ver=3.4.20' type='text/css' media='all' />
    the parent theme’s style.css is loaded.

    So go to Appearance -> Themes
    and select and activate the child-theme ??
    Hope this helps.

    Now i am not able to access the site, the site does not load? I have activated the child-theme.

    Plugin Author Rocco Aliberti


    Sorry, this means that you put some incorrect code in your child-theme functions.php (most likely). That’s a common breakage cause.
    To fix this you should direct connect to your server (cPanel,ftp) and amend the errors of the child-theme functions.php

    (or remove the child-theme folder )

    You should be able to see the exact error by setting the WP_DEBUG constant to true ( in your wp-config.php)


    Alternatively you can ask to your hosting provider to recover your site for you (is something they usually do).

    But as said above, I just re-tested it, this plugin doesn’t put strange things in the child-theme functions php, just a comment so it cannot be the cause of the error.

    Hope you can solve ??

    let me try the above suggestions, thank you i will keep you updated.

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘.’ in /home/phinlandersafari/public_html/wp-content/themes/phinlander1/functions.php on line 5

    Plugin Author Rocco Aliberti


    Now you know where the error is.
    Look that this plugin produces a functions.php which contains the following two lines:

    /* Write your awesome functions below */

    So no line 5 ??

    What you can do is… then
    modify the file
    And amend that error. If you’re not sure on what you have to change you can replace the whole content of that file with what I wrote above, or … completely delete the theme’s folder, wordpress will fall-back on a standard theme like.. twentyeleven or so.

    Hope this helps.

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