• Resolved Michel-G


    Hello every ones,

    I use customizr since a little bit more than one month.
    I am not a professional of PHP and CCS so i don’t know why as i made the last update of the customizr theme, a part of my work on this theme go back to trash the same if i has done nothing !!!
    Exemple, in the heather instead of the social block i have put the google translator box.
    I found the way to do this nice issue may be on this forum but i can’t remember where and i can’t remember how to do to get this solution back in the same before this stupid update.
    If the design of customizr change at each update, i have not finish to spend night on the site to get it work properly.
    Also on the main menue. responsive effect change, how it is possible with the CCS in the child theme ?
    Exemple, i clic on a button the list open before update, on mouser over each child link the back ground of links was changing of colours.
    Now nothing !!! How it is possible ? How can i do to find the responsive effect i had before, I hope some one will help me to find the solution,

    Thanks very much for your help,
    Best regards

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  • More care with your language. No one likes to read words like “stupid”.

    I’d like to help you. I am not an expert but I have some experience in WordPress and using Customizr as a theme.

    First, what is your web sites URL? That would make it much easier to see the problems.

    You mention a “child theme”. That’s good.

    Let’s start with your “google translator box”. You say that you replaced the “social block”. I’m hoping you did this using a “snippet” you found on the themeseandco.com website (home of the theme). Can you confirm that you did this using your child theme’s “functions.php” file?

    Theme Author presscustomizr


    Hi Michel,

    It seems that the last upgrade of the theme got you into troubles! Unfortunately, the theme needs to be updated quite frequently :
    -to stay up to date with the latest WordPress core enhancements,
    -to add new features,
    -to fix bugs,
    -to increase its security,
    -to improve the code and loading time performance
    -to update the translations,
    -to update the javascript libraries with their latest versions,
    -to stay compliants with all browsers and devices

    You are using a child theme, which is a really good thing to customize your website.
    Now, here are some hints that I hope will help you fix your issues :

    1. Try to revert to the previous version of the theme. How ? Download the version you want from this page, and then install it manually either from your WP admin or by FTP.
    2. Unlike the plugins where you can check the changlog before updating them, the WordPress themes must be updated blindly if you do so from your WP admin. That’s why, even if you are not a professional developer, I strongly recommend to setup a simple testing environment on your local machine or on a subdomain. In this environment you can update / make changes whitout impacting your production website and without beeing in a rush.
    3. Learn the basics of website development ?? CSS, HTML, Javascript + some¨PHP basics for WordPress. It is really rewarding to understand what’s under the hood ! Or simply to follow the fast evolutions of web technologies

    I really hope this will help you,

    Thread Starter Michel-G


    Thanks to dcccharron aand Nicolas for your reply,

    I would like to give you the link to my site, but this is an humanitarian association site, and this association is not open yet, so i am oblige to hide the site for the time of the association will open. I am very sorry for that.
    I just need to find the link to the page where i can find the code how to put the Google translator box in the heather, before Title.
    For the changing of the responsive in the main menu, il will spend a night to find how i have done last time, i don’t write all my changing in the CCS, i just make ” bricolage ” this is a french word to say i do by hands because i am not a professional.
    Soi Thanks to Nicolas to have given me the way to get the hold version, i hope only if i install this version, that will not break all the site.

    The reason is This is an association site for helping poor people in a poor country, i have projects to build with this association, that important, i have not the right to spend time to build a site for this association and distroy it and spend time again and again to get it work properly, if i can find the page where it is explain how to put the translator box in the heather before the title, i will stay with this update and it will be the last one to fix the site for ever.

    Thanks for your help,


    Thread Starter Michel-G


    This code is still in the child theme CCS …

    /* SOCIAL
    ————————————————– */

    line 6569 .navbar-inner .social-block {
    padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
    *max-width: 270px;
    <?php echo do_shortcode(‘[google-translator]’); ?>
    /* IE 7 and below */
    margin: 10px 0;
    line 6575 }

    Thread Starter Michel-G


    And my Child function code :

    * This is where you can copy and paste your functions !
    // Adds a widget area to house qtranslate flags. Will need styling.
    if (function_exists(‘register_sidebar’)) {
    ‘name’ => ‘Extra Widget In Socials’,
    ‘id’ => ‘extra-widget’,
    ‘description’ => ‘Extra widget in the social links area’,
    ‘before_widget’ => ”,
    ‘after_widget’ => ”,
    ‘before_title’ => ”,
    ‘after_title’ => ”
    // Place the widget area in the social links area
    add_filter (‘tc_social_in_header’, ‘add_my_widget’);
    function add_my_widget() {
    if (function_exists(‘dynamic_sidebar’)) {
    dynamic_sidebar(‘Extra Widget In Socials’);
    echo do_shortcode(‘[google-translator]’);


    Hi Michel

    Your tinkering (that’s the English equivalent to “bricolage”) is quite sophisticated for a non-expert. Let me tell you what I can see.

    In your child functions.php file, I can see you are using the hook for “tc_social_in_header”. I also use it on one of my web sites to replace the Social Link icons with my own text links (like a mini menu). You can check it out on haitidebeachresort.com. Look in the top right corner of each page. When I upgraded my customizr theme to 3.2.2, it disappeared completely. I discovered, quite by chance, that if I used the Appearance => Customize then Global Settings and Social Links and I load a URL into any of the social links (e.g. facebook) and then Save and Publish, my little menu re-appeared. I’ve published what I found here. I was hoping this might help you to get your tc_social_in_header filter to work.

    As for the rest of your bricolage, I don’t think I can help much.

    Good luck.

    Thread Starter Michel-G


    Hello dccharron,

    Thanks for your reply and your help, i will try your solution after a night of dream, my tinkering? Hahahah … I call like that because in fact
    I have learn to develop applications, softs, with visual basic 6 working with databases Oracle, SQL server, Access, but not web site, so sure i can understand a code, i have learn ADA too, but PHP and CCS i have to learn how they work.
    I have many and many work on this site before it is finish and ok to be open. Many work to complete his functionality and also to feel it before open it.
    Thank you very much for your help, i will come back here to give you some news about how your solution work with my site.
    I wish you a very nice day, see you soon,


    Thread Starter Michel-G


    Hello dccharron,

    finally i have tried to look how you displaed your “nimi menue” but i don’t understand how to do because my CCS is not the same alredy
    I am in the bad position.
    Thanks for your reply, can i contact you in private by the site you gave me the link ?


    Thread Starter Michel-G


    Not the same because i have made a copy of the parent CCS and past in the child CCS, so i have modify a lot of things, about color, text, color of text, size of things …

    Michel. You can contact me but don’t send message to that web site I gave as an example. That is a client web site.

    Instead, go to my web site at truesited.com and use the email address showing near the bottom of my home page.

    Thread Starter Michel-G


    Hello dccharron,

    Thanks so much for your help, I will use the link you gave me there,
    I wish you a good afternoon,


    Thread Starter Michel-G


    hi dccharron, message sent on the commercial link

    Thread Starter Michel-G


    Hi dccharron, hi Nicolas,

    Hahahah … I have found why the google translate was not displayed in the heather …
    in fact it was simple,
    When i gone yesterday evening in the personalisation of the theme, i see the translate displayed but not in a current window of my google chr?me.
    so i try to understand why …
    And i have found the function display the social in the heather off .
    I have activate it and it works now…
    Strange to look at complicate instead find simple …
    So i am stupid ^_^
    May be my mind want to divide hair by 4 (french expression) ??
    I go to sleep now, see you later, and thank you very much for your help.


    Thread Starter Michel-G


    ok, it is working now, but i don’t like how the 3 pages “à la une” at the one are display on the main page under the main slider,

    I have tried to center the container marketing with no result …

    I wish you a good day


    Thread Starter Michel-G


    Thanks to dccharron and Nicolas for their help on this topic

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