• ist4000


    as we all know there are “featured pages options” on the front page of customizr. The Text under the fancy circles (featured images of the pages) should show the page excerpts. I have some problems about that and it would be grateful if someone could help.
    (I’m using Firefox 23)
    1) The first (left) doesn’t show anything automatically. No matter what page I choose.
    2) If I add the text manually in the box it doesn’t respect neither wysiwyg line break nor . Actually it first reacts to but after refreshing the page it ignores the html again.
    3) The two other fancy circles that show the text from the page neither respect line breaks. Is it possible to force the theme to break the lines in that place?
    4) Is it possible to set lenght of the excerpt text on the front page. At the moment it cuts just somewhere

    Excuse me please my terrible English.
    Thanks in advance

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