• Hi there I would like to customize my blog a little by changing my header and background color. I realize that this can be done by using a new image and changing the code in the index.php file.

    However I am not sure where to find any free header templates, any suggestions?

    When I do find a general design I like, would I just edit the font and layout using an image editing software or is there an easier way?


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  • depending on the theme it might be in the header.php

    what do you mean by free header templates??

    Do you have WordPress isntalled?

    Hi there, I just customized my header, you need to change the styles.css file, find the #header and change the img/top.jpg file.
    To do this first save the original top.jpg file in photoshop, and then create your own new header file with whatever custom graphics you want, add or replace that file in the img folder on your ftp site and then update your css if you’ve changes your filename.
    Refresh your blog page and it should replace the old graphics.
    My original theme header looked like this:https://www.vanillamist.com/blog/
    I changed my graphic to this: https://blackrhinodesign.com/blog/

    Thread Starter Serge


    Thanks I will give this a try. How did you get that original style (www.vanillamist.com/blog/)? Right now I am using the default plain blue header.

    Any tips on how to change background colors?


    Visit https://www.alexking.org/software/wordpress/theme_browser.php to have a look at loads of themes available for word press. Pick one you like, keep it as is or edit away! You will need to know how to change your style sheet to change colours etc.. (the style.css file)

    Moderator James Huff


    I wouldn’t recommend AlexKing’s Theme browser right now. It only features a small selection from the past theme contest, and most of the themes presented there have been updated since their submission. Use this theme browser instead:


    As for changing headers, see:




    And, for changing the background in the Default theme, you will have to both change the color of the background images, and alter the background entries in the CSS file.

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