Hi saurabhr,
If you check out the help/useage page in the plugin menu it will tell you all the relevant CSS classes you’ll need (or you can just inspect the table chrome/firefox dev tools)
Basically, you just want to add this into your css:
.hc_rse_events_table td.hc_rse_title{font-weight: bold}
For an example, check this out: https://huntlyrubytest.co.uk/events/
Here’s the relevant exceprt regarding CSS from the help page:
CSS Styling
For theme developers, here are the event table css classes you can use to style the output
table.hc_rse_events_table – the main event table.
td.hc_rse_date – the table cell which holds the event date.
td.hc_rse_time – the table cell which holds the start time.
td.hc_rse_title – the table cell which holds the event title.
td.hc_rse_link – the table cell which holds the event link.
a.hc_rse_more_info – the more info link.
td.hc_rse_extra_info – the table cell which holds the event information.
Hope this helps! ??