• Resolved cwhitelaw



    Great plugin. Thanks for making it.

    I am having trouble customizing the stripe payment fields. It seems that the “wc-stripe-functions.php” file has a function wc_stripe_get_custom_forms() that is already applying a filter (‘wc_stripe_get_custom_forms’) and I can’t override that in my functions.php. Even when I change to the default stripe form, the custom styles are added from the cs_stripe_get_custom_forms. Any ideas how I can do this to change the color and fonts of the inputs?

    Kind Regards,

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  • Plugin Author Payment Plugins


    Hi @cwhitelaw,

    I am glad you’re liking the plugin.

    To change the colors and fonts for the default Stripe form you would use filter wc_stripe_cc_element_style. Here is the filter in the code API Docs:


    If you want to change the styling for any of the custom forms you can do that using filter wc_stripe_get_card_custom_field_options.


    Here is an example where the base font size is changed to 16px:

    add_filter('wc_stripe_get_card_custom_field_options', function($options){
        $options['cardNumber']['style']['base']['fontSize'] = '16px';
        return $options;

    Kind Regards,

    Thread Starter cwhitelaw


    Thanks so much fo the fast reply. I was able to use a custom template for the “simple” style and added this php. That’s a lot of lines, is there a short hand version of that? Like a way to assign to all of the inputs in one line?

    Kind Regards,

    add_filter('wc_stripe_get_card_custom_field_options', function($options){
        $options['cardNumber']['style']['base']['fontSize'] = '16px';
    	$options['cardExpiry']['style']['base']['fontSize'] = '16px';
    	$options['cardCvc']['style']['base']['fontSize'] = '16px';
    	$options['cardNumber']['style']['base']['color'] = '#303386';
    	$options['cardExpiry']['style']['base']['color'] = '#303386';
    	$options['cardCvc']['style']['base']['color'] = '#303386';
    	$options['cardNumber']['style']['base']['fontFamily'] = 'freight-text-pro';
    	$options['cardExpiry']['style']['base']['fontFamily'] = 'freight-text-pro';
    	$options['cardCvc']['style']['base']['fontFamily'] = 'freight-text-pro';
    	$options['cardNumber']['style']['base']['fontWeight'] = '400';
    	$options['cardExpiry']['style']['base']['fontWeight'] = '400';
    	$options['cardCvc']['style']['base']['fontWeight'] = '400';
    	$options['cardNumber']['style']['base']['letterSpacing'] = '.8px';
    	$options['cardExpiry']['style']['base']['letterSpacing'] = '.8px';
    	$options['cardCvc']['style']['base']['letterSpacing'] = '.8px';
    	$options['cardNumber']['style']['invalid']['color'] = '#a00';
    	$options['cardExpiry']['style']['invalid']['color'] = '#a00';
    	$options['cardCvc']['style']['invalid']['color'] = '#a00';
    	$options['cardNumber']['style']['empty']['::placeholder']['color'] = '#b8bad1';
    	$options['cardExpiry']['style']['empty']['::placeholder']['color'] = '#b8bad1';
    	$options['cardCvc']['style']['empty']['::placeholder']['color'] = '#b8bad1';
        return $options;
    Plugin Author Payment Plugins



    You can use filter wc_stripe_cc_element_style to change the styles which will be applied to all of the custom fields.


    That will allow you to change all of the style fields globally.

    Kind Regards,

    Thread Starter cwhitelaw


    OK. Thanks so much.

    Plugin Author Payment Plugins


    Hi @cwhitelaw

    No problem, glad I could help. If you have a minute we always appreciate a good review.


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