So before I customize this commercial product, I would like to hear from the WordPress developer community (is that not here?) on best practices for the sort of customizing I am looking to do.
]]>I guess you have a point but from reading what you first posted I was thinking you needed support and couldn’t find anything but the Facebook page so I tried to help a bit with my ‘support page’ link.
These forums are staffed by volunteers who are here to provide WordPress support so we concentrate on pointing users to better sources when there’s not much within these forums specific to any certain request.
Asking in the development forum is good, as someone might chime in with experience in what you are working with or asking about. Sometimes there’s a better forum too and the mods here will often move a request to the proper forum as needed.
Maybe there is a ‘Developing with Learn Dash’ forum somewhere? In the meantime, I’ll point you to StackExchange where you might find some interest in your question and possibly even more help.
Do keep watching this thread. Sometimes discussion brings about more discussion which might lead to what you are seeking.
I see some interest in Learn Dash from time to time so your efforts in developing extensions, themes, functions, and plugins will probably be very welcome. Another reason we like to point people back to the respective product support forums are the problems, ideas, and requests feed the author(s) with more info and help the communities gathered around a product better that offering.
]]>So before I customize this commercial product, I would like to hear from the WordPress developer community (is that not here?) on best practices for the sort of customizing I am looking to do.
Not for anything related to any commercial product. You’re not asking about WordPress, it’s a commercial product on top of WordPress and those topics are not for these forums.
For pro or commercial product support please contact the author directly on their site. This includes any pre-sales topics as well.
As the author is aware, commercial products are not supported in these forums. I am sure they will have no problem supporting you there.