Customizing Layout, CSS Style Sheet Guide and Whereabouts, How to Install Themes
I have recently switched from to for the customizable benefits, but I am having trouble knowing where to start:
1) I have never done CSS before, and I do not know what controls what, and what symbols are needed where. I do not know where my style.css form is for the theme I am using (currently using Evolve but unhappy with it). I believe I need this to even start to correlate what code corresoponds with what visual part of the website. How do I get started with this? I namely want to change layout of photos.
2) When I download a theme from wordpress, it does not download in a zip file and therefore doesn’t/won’t upload to my .org account. When I “install” from my .org account, it does not come with any files. I am thinking I need the orignal style.css for a reference in changing the appearance and CSS (as questioned above), since I don’t know what controls what. Again, I am mainly concerned with layout and photo layout.
3) I am looking for a FREE .org theme that is fully customizable. For instance, the Esquire theme says it is customizable but I cannot change the layout, etc.
4) Where do I start??? I have so many documents up on CSS, Child Themes, FTPs, and I don’t know even where to find my CSS sheet! I’m not sure where to start, and I have no previous knowledge!
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