I think single line would be better. Here’s a sample: https://pasteboard.co/hZeXBA8osP10.jpg
Look at the item named Margherita. It’s bold. Underneath shows in regular font the Qty: 2. This Qty part is often overlooked in our kitchen because its hard to see at a quick glance and we end up just making one Margherita instead of two. Its a reoccurring issue just because we are too busy sometimes to stop and give these tickets a thorough read.
I would love to customize the entire layout to suit our needs but this Qty part is definitely the most important and I would love some help to fix it.
I would like it to read 2 x MARGHERITA
I am also holding back on adding a Tip plugin and a Scheduled Delivery plugin because im not sure if they will show up on these tickets. Something maybe we can work through on another thread in this forum. Thanks Lawrence.