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  • Thread Starter bricor


    Correction, it seems that only approved user emails are generated from this plugin.

    How do I customize the email message sent to the approved user?

    Thread Starter bricor


    I guess the best way to ask would be, where can I find documentation on how to use and where to apply the filters?

    I am working on getting some documentation put together.

    In the meantime, to customize the message sent to the approved user, you can find some sample code at Let me know if you have any questions.

    I am working on a separate plugin to modify the message from the admin. Stay tuned!

    Hi Josh,
    I love your plug-in.

    How do I add password and user name also to this code?

    Kind regards,


    I can not retrieve information from the variable $user ??


    I noticed that there is a problem with the encoding format email sen

    Hi Josh
    Thankyou for the great plugin, it was just what I was looking for.

    Only one thing I need to do on the approved users e-mail and that is to remove (or change) the link to the wordpress login page under the users login and password. I want them to login via the home page on the website.
    so instead of”
    have either
    no link at all
    or “”

    I looked in the plugin code but couldnt see how to do it.
    Please can you help

    Any suggestions will be gratefully recieved
    Many thanks

    Any plans on making it possible to customize the approval message sent to admins?

    @big002 I am working on an add on plugin to make it super easy for you to customize all messages. Stay tuned…

    @josh Harrison Awesome! A feature request for said plugin: The ability to populate profile fields in that email. For example we have a custom ‘Bio’ field (it’s also a BuddyPress profile field for extra points) that is required and I’d love to have that info in the email.

    @big002 Thanks for the suggestion. I have added that to my roadmap.



    Hello Josh

    I’m following your above example to customize the email body

    What change would need to be made, to enable HTML inside the message body ?

    Kind Regards




    I found a solution to add HTML into the message body…

    Simply add the following after the <?php in php snippet:

    add_filter(‘wp_mail_content_type’,create_function(”, ‘return “text/html”; ‘));

    Kind Regards

    Josh Harrison


    That will definitely work. Just be careful when doing that. It will change the content type of all of your emails.




    Thanks for the tip, you don’t happen to know how I could enable the HTML in just emails sent from your plugin ?

    Thanks agin

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