• So, I thought that, by moving to WP, I’d have less of a headache than with blogger. But apparently I was wrong.

    Yesterday I did the whole “get a domain, host, and intall WP” thing. I also slogged through how to (and why) to create a child theme. Okay, so far so good.

    But now, I’m super confused. I want to change the themes fonts and some sizes of the fonts (and also colors to some extent). In blogger, messing with the code seemed relatively easy. But WP has me stumped. So here are my questions:

    (1) Do I edit the parent theme style.css or the child one? (The child theme style.css just has the @import thing on it. The actual code seems to be only on the parent sheet)

    (2) How come when I go through and change the “font-family” to what I want, nothing happens? I think I’m missing some basic info here to understand things but have no clue what it is.

    and last:

    (3) Please someone tell me there are some really good WP code tutorials for dummies out there and if so, where are they? Because I have read the forums, FAQs googled, ranted, and raved, and still feel like I’m getting nowhere. (And here I thought the finding a host was the hard part! God help me when I try to transfer my blogspot blog to WP *facepalms*)

    Any assistance, directions, re-direction, would be greatly appreciated. I have to work this morning but I will check this thread when I can throughout the day to respond!

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