• Doesn’t work well with customizer and the output with “dynamic_sidebar” is different from a regular sidebar.

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  • Hey Manuel, really appreciate your feedback here! I’ve tested with customizer and I see what you mean, I’ll pass that onto our developer ??

    As for the output being different with “dynamic_sidebar” – how is it different for you exactly? Perhaps that is something we can get improved as well.

    Look forward to hearing back!


    Thread Starter manuelmasia


    Thank you Tyler for getting back to me: I get the content of the sidebar in some cases by using ob_get_contents() (I need it to display sidebar in a mega menu). Other plugins I tested to create custom sidebars return the output as set for the default registered sidebars, i.e. by retrieving the values of the various arguments: ‘before_widget’, ‘after_widget’, ‘before_title’,’after_title’. Sidebars created with Custom Sidebars plugins, instead, skip all those values, titles are printed in plain text and the content isn’t wrapped by anything.

    Hope this makes sense. Sorry for the bad english. ??

    No problem Manuel, I’ve just left a note about this for one of our developers. They will look into it for you and post back here ??

    Enjoy the rest of your day!


    PS. I wouldn’t of even guessed English was your second language if you hadn’t mentioned that ?? it’s very good.

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