Hey Howie
Been though your site. Here’s my opinion –
I like the colors, they are very pleasing. The off-red band on top draws a lot of attention and actually caught my eyes even before I could read anything about ‘howwhowhen’.
The blue bg is pleasing. The big white header with the logo holds well. It balances the footer well.
This basic two column layout works well. Helps separate the main body of text from the links you have on the site.
Text Formatting
This actually felt like it was a cluster of information. A lot of text styles, (eg” get 10,000 subscribers is a different font, the first blog post is in sans serif, etc)
Too many text sizes and type styles can confuse a visitor.
I Like your mascot. Clean, not too overly complicated. Has a message from you, which can reveal what this site is about. Try to get the same mascot in different sizes, line art style and doing different things, so you can use it in your posts… basically theme the site a bit.
Overall opinion
1. Reduce the type of font styles.
2. Stick to two font size at the most.
3. Remove all the extra blue background colors from within a blog post. It can be very confusing to a viewer because a lot of content is given emphasis.
4. Change you logo from all caps (which doesn’t read very well) to HowWhoWhen, so it’s more legible.
5. Try and get rid of the ad (red bar on top) or use it to post your messages/twitter
6. Simplify the header to hold just enough information. Currently you have your mascot saying something, and besides it you again have more information ( i.e – Marketing Case Studies…etc”)
7. In the about page, lose the 10,000 subscribers. Feels a bit spammy.
Give viewers information about you first. They clicked on about know about who you are and what do you intend to do with this site.. Give them that info first.
8. You can remove “contact” or put it on the site column or on the footer, or added to “Connect with Me”
Well, these are just my thoughts. Hope you find them useful
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