Hi @maryann17,
You can add enquiry form fields using the ‘wp_travel_engine_enquiry_fields_display‘ filter hook.
It filters the fields of the Enquiry form on the Trip single page. When adding a new field with this hook, a proper array structure should be maintained for the supported field type.
Reference array structure:
'enquiry_name' => array(
'type' => 'text',
'wrapper_class' => 'row-repeater name-holder',
'field_label' => __( 'Your name:', 'wp-travel-engine' ),
'name' => 'enquiry_name',
'id' => 'enquiry_name',
'class' => 'input',
'placeholder' => __( 'Enter Your Name *', 'wp-travel-engine' ),
'validations' => array(
'required' => true,
'maxlength' => '50',
'type' => 'alphanum',
'default' => '',
'priority' => 10,
'default_field' => true,
'required_field' => true,
You need to have detailed knowledge on overriding through hooks and filters. For reference check – https://docs.wptravelengine.com/docs/wp-travel-engine-developer-documentation/
Please contact our support for further customization requests.