• Hi guys,
    I’ve been in a stumbling block for long. Now I would like to ask expert like you that.

    I would like to customize my Search to search only in a specific meta_key and meta_value and return posts or post->ID.

    Here what my dbase wp_postmeta looks like.

    meta_id    post_id    meta_key       meta_value
    1             5      numero_dispo    10, 20, 63
    2             8      numero_dispo    25, 42, 10
    3             1      numero_dispo    15, 54, 48
    4             3      numero_dispo    20, 78, 27

    I would to have the post->ID for i.e that search: 20 (space) 10 (space) 63 or 20+10+63

    And would like to my search to return where it finds all the number and where it finds for each number.

    In this case:
    post #5 (first)
    post # 8
    post# 3.

    The closer I have gone, is that:

    if ( $_GET["s"]!='Search') {
    	$exploded = explode(' ', $key_1_value);
    	ksort($exploded, SORT_NUMERIC);
    foreach ($exploded as $key => $val) {
    	$arg =array('numberposts' => $number, 'post_type'=>$post_type, 'meta_query' => array(
    			'key' => 'numero_dispo',
    			'value' => $val,
    			'compare' => 'LIKE',

    But it wasn’t good:
    #1 That checks value one by one not in group.
    #2 He returns post ID for each time it finds the a value in it.
    i.e: Post #5 will display 3 times.

    Any help please.

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