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  • Plugin Author WP Fortune


    Upload before order completed:
    – For security reasons we’ve chosen to upload AFTER checkout. All uploads are attached to the ordernumber. This way we can handle uploads better and in a safer way. Besides of that you will not get any “fake” uploads from users who are just “trying” or from bots.

    Crop tool
    – Image tools are on our todo list for the PRO version, but I can’t tell you when it’s finished. At the moment we’re working on image preview (PRO only) which will be released later on this week (I hope).

    Thread Starter TimoVeld


    I realise it is because of security reasons to upload a file afterwards, the problem with that is that my clients won’t purchase my products if they have to pay first.
    Our competitors all do allow the user to upload and crop their photo before actual purchase. Thus giving a far better user exeprience.

    If there is ever a PRO version with this functionality, then please let me know.

    Plugin Author WP Fortune


    Hello TimoVeld,

    Thank you for your reply.
    I will keep you informed about this.
    Maybe we will add a option to choose uploading before or after checkout in a future release, but I can’t promise this.

    When image tools are available I will post it here.

    Plugin Author WP Fortune


    We’ve chosen to not develop this feature, because it’s part of one of the WooCommerce extensions:

    With this plugin it’s possible to upload a file BEFORE checkout. We’ll continue focusing on uploads AFTER checkout.

    Image editing tools are still on our todolist.

    Plugin Author WP Fortune


    Our just updated PRO version (available from our website) has the possibility to upload files directly after checkout on the “Thank you” page if the order has the required order status.

    Maybe this helps you out?

    Thread Starter TimoVeld


    Unfortunately it is absolutely necessary that the user is able to upload the file before checkout.

    I’m currently trying to implement this functionality myself. If that fails I’ll try to integrate cropping functionality with .

    Thank you for all your replies.

    Kind regards

    Plugin Author WP Fortune


    Hi TimoVeld,

    I understand why you need this feature, but at the moment we’re not be able to get this into our plugin.

    If you won’t be able to do this with the plugin “Product Add-ons”, please feel free to contact us. As a Woothemes partner for WooCommerce (not yet listed, because we still have to send in our information) we develop plugins on special requests, so maybe we can develop a plugin which fits to your needs.

    Hi Bart! Your plugin it’s awsome! But i have a question:

    When you have a problem with the uploaded file (not problem to send, but in the file), wwhat I have to do to enable the user to resend? I’ve tried to delete the order number in the “uploads” but in the admin user order, the uploaded file is still there. What should I do to go back to what it was before, giving a new upload options file for the user to do it again?

    Plugin Author WP Fortune


    Hello Sherinha,

    Thank you for your response.

    Our PRO version of the plugin has the possibility to delete files, but it’s only for the customer, not for shop owner.

    I think it’s a good idea to have an option to delete files from the admin-side (both free and pro version) and maybe have another option to send an email to the customer so they will get noticed about the option problems (only pro).

    I will have a look at it and will try to make a new release next week with this feature implemented.

    ps. have you already rated us on WP?


    Hi, Bart.
    is there any chance I can get a pro version? Can work for it. I could tranlate for a pt-br version, and help to make improvements… How about it?4

    Check it out my first improvement 4u:

    It is on my facebook. Me my guest to be my friend there.

    [ Facebook link redacted ]


    Plugin Author WP Fortune



    Please contact me by mail on wordpress [at] geev [dot] nl, so we can discuss the possibilities.

    Hello Bart,
    I’ve downoladed the free version and I think I’ll upgrade to the Pro, since I need the file to be uploaded at the checkout page. But there are two little “but”: the message saying what types of files are allowed for upload says the exact contrary of what I’ve choosen: I choosed to allow the upload jpgs and zips files ant the messages says “excpet jpg and zip.
    Further, I’ve set the max upload size to 10Mb but the alert keep on saying “Max upload size per file: 2MB. Max total upload size: 2MB”.

    Last, how can I change the alerts, the error messages and the text buttons into the proper language (italian) ?

    Thanks in advance for your attention

    Plugin Author WP Fortune


    Hello Federicom99,

    Please start your own topic. This topic is resolved.

    Best regards,

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