Home / Fixing WordPress / Customize menubar
8 years, 7 months ago
can I center the links on the menubar?
Volunteer Forum Moderator
sure! (probably)
Please post a link to your site.
This CSS will do it. If your theme has a custom CSS feature, use it. If not, install the plugin “Simple Custom CSS”.
.menu { float: none; display: inline-block; } menu-container { display: inherit; position: relative; text-align: center; width: auto; float: none; }
If you have other questions about your theme, please visit
Ok, I put it in and it’s not doing anything.
How did you “put it in”? Your theme has a custom style sheet at but the CSS is not there.
If you have any caching plugins, please clear all caches.
I must’ve deleted it. Well it’s definitely in there now, the caches are cleared and it’s still not working.
My bad… that should be DOT menu-container .menu-container
Ok it’s working now. Thanks!