• Hi,

    again i have to congratulate you guys for this great plugin, you have thought it all and i am giving you 5 stars.

    Otherwise i am having some issues that would like to show you:

    -The css of bootstrap continues overriding mine, the headings and other colors are driving me mad, i have had to include your selectors in my css for every item.

    -It does not work properly with custom widgets, in custom post types and with any widget that opens a javascript element, for example the media manager. the widget works ok in Appearance/widgets but not in your builder. You can test this with Hw IMAGE WIDGET for example, from Wp repository.

    -Custom widgets also don’t work in Custom Post Types inside your builder.

    -In plugin description it says that it is so easy to include new custom page elements but i have not found any tutorial or documentation to get this working, i have tried so many things with no luck, could you tell me how i have to do this?

    Thank you very much for your attention.

    Best Regards


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  • I too, have trouble; and, I believe ig-pagebuilder is a much needed plug-in… not just for a more “visual approach to editing,” but for learning, as well.

    I’m troubled with re-editing a page and finding it “blank!” In layman terms, “At times, elements and element-content do not repopulate the page-builder editor or even the native wp editor” In short, it is as if you are editing a new page with no content, yet when I view the page opened in a new window from this “elementless” event-page, the page displayed in my browser appears in-full. And. if I initiate an edit from the browser in which the page appears appropriately displayed, all the elements disappear upon returning to the editor even though the page-id and/or short-code is that of the same page.

    Sorry for the lack of familiarity with the vernacular… I’m an MD/engineer and traditional “analytical” computer programmer.

    Plugin Author InnoGears


    Hi there,

    @mimo: thanks a lot for your review, we are improving the product everyday. About your problems:

    – Css overriding: are you on the latest version of IG PageBuilder? if yes, and you still get trouble, can you please take a screenshot for me? we will take a deep look in the bootstrap file, hope that we can find the reason, but would be better if we know exactly where it is, so please help.

    – The custom widgets: we are going to fix this and try to release in the nearest time, so stay tuned until that.

    @hanky: did it show any error message? or any clue when it is “blank”? That could be a conflict with your other plugins? help us to take a deeper investigation by posting a question here please, cause we need some information from you:

    Thanks guys

    Thread Starter mimo


    Hi, thank you for your answer. Yes i am in latest version.

    About the css override it happens in a elements and headings h1…h6, with colors and sizes, just try to create your heading with its own class and reference it in your css file. It would be overwritten by bootstrap css.

    It would be great to include an options page to the plugin with options like:

    -use Bootstrap framework css in frontend
    -activate builder for : post,pages,custom post types

    Also include a way, if it could be done, that, as with widgets, if you have a shortcode registered it would appear in the page elements, but this would need an options page for the shortcode. So perhaps it would be better to include a tutorial or something to convert our existing shortcodes in Page builder valid page elements.

    Including the widgets fix, i think this is mandatory, for me, it is incredible better to build the page from custom widgets(usually have some kind of options page and are more easy to configure for the user), than shortcodes.

    the widgets not working in my Custom post type don’t give errors, only just don’t appear. the row appears empty in my inspector html.

    Thank you very much for the attention

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