• Hello Plamso Form,

    i have see video of your form,

    i want to buy premium form of you for my business.
    i want to give information that our business is money exchanger service, like from USD to EURO and USD to IDR and etc. and our website is https://www.okechanger.com

    now the website not use wordpress, we want to change to wordpress. but we need premium form that compatible with our service.

    our need scheme is :
    1. we will need form that can display rate of USD?IDR, rate of buy and sell
    this rate is will create by manually every time if we need from wp-admin of wordpress by our staff, our staff level is maybe author or contributor, or


    2. this is other form for buying or sell of USD/IDR,, when client want to pay usd money from us, and they click the rate button, they will redirect to form

    buy, and they will fill the data, and the important point is when client fill how much want to buy usd it will automatically calculate in next field that

    how much they must to transfer the money in IDR.
    also in this form buy or sell we need to setting extra charge like fee for process like in percentage or in real nominal. also we can create from promotion

    that they will get discount every $500 usd or every $1 usd,

    3. After client submit the form, they will redirect to next page that give client resume about they buying or selling of usd also this copy of page redirect

    will send to their email

    4. in wp-admin, our staff can see the database who buy or sell, and they can update status of that order like on process or finish, and if staff click

    button finish in wp-admin, it will automatic send email to client that process finish. or if cencel also will send message to client that order was cencel

    or deleted

    so that is the process of our business in form. could you make customization like my specification above? we will buy the premium not for free, also please

    let me know how the price if we asking that customization like above.

    also the default from is awesome and we will use it.


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