Thanks for your message. We understand the situation, but unfortunately you can only choose the number of calendar days in advance to restrict the rental orders.
Pick-ups will be always allowed as long as they are not in the past, and you can only work on the opening times, either at location level or globally. Unfortunately, it is not possible to limit the rental orders by counting the number of hours of difference between the current date and time and the selected date and time for pick up, I’m sorry. This is why your example is allowed.
The only solution is to either override the booking forms (Shortcodes or Widget/Block) or to display an information text where you request at least 18 hours in advance for bookings. Alternatively, the custom override should disable via JavaScript specific time slots only if the selected date is less than 18 hours ahead. By changing the pick up date, the calculation should be made again to eventually re-enable certain time slots in the drop down menu. It would be an invasive calculation to be made via JavaScript for dynamically enable or disable certain time options.
The VikWP Team