• Hi! Thanks for your amazing theme.

    One question: I’d like to create my personal welcome page (I designed the page using Dreamweaver, like the one you can see on another of my websites https://www.tenutadeifiori.com). Is it possible with your theme? It should be only a simple welcome page with a logo and a “enter” button.

    Moreover I would like to mantain the chance to use the options your theme provides for the homepage in order to have an ‘independent’ welcome page and a ‘theme featured’ homepage. Is it possible?

    Thank you for your help.

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  • Hey,
    No it’s not really how the set up goes. I supposed you could do some really unique redirect but I don’t know of how that would work.
    In wordpress there is only one front page, it’s also the default link for your logo in the header. If you edit the code and override the theme to make the home page a welcome page you won’t have a second home page where the theme would add in the slider and things.

    I’m not thinking of anyway you can do this with this theme, closest thing is the full screen slider option in premium: https://themes.kadencethemes.com/virtue-premium-4/

    Kadence Themes

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