Hi mbrsolution,
Many thanks for your expansive reply. It certainly adds to some other aspects that I’m looking forward to incorporating.
My main problem is finding a way to add text to the actual message sent and therefore seen by the Recipient. Unfortunately the Welcome message is seen by the person posting the message only, and I cannot find a method of adding a header or footer to the message when sent.
In order to simplify the process I have created a separate Form for each Recipient, so the email address will by default always be correct and the appropriate Welcome message displayed.
The only option to modify the body of the outgoing message I have so far discovered is a checkbox in “Advanced | Advanced Email Settings | Enable sender information in email footer.”
This adds IP and other info to the bottom of the email, just after a line which I cannot seem to find a way of disabling saying “Akismet Spam Check: passed”
[ As an aside, sender information is important to me on the Bcc list as Admin, but alas will possibly confuse the intended Recipient! ]
If the facility for modifying the body of an email could be considered as an option for the future it would be a great addition to an unbelievably brilliant plug-in.