Hello Eric,
Thank you for the response. It’s greatly appreciated. Yes, our repeated support inquiries have been linked to the HEADLESS-356 ticket. We identified this error from a multitude of customer complaints dating back before March, 2024. Has there been any work even done on this engineering ticket or at least a status?
The main user error we have found is with the whole signup process after a user has made a purchase.
- The user purchases the product on the WordPress website utilizing BigCommerce.
- The user receives an email saying “Thanks for your order…” At the bottom of this email is a “Check order status” button. Of course the majority click on this since most everyone wants to know when they’ll be getting their order.
- The user is then taken to the Sign-In page hosted on WordPress utilizing BigCommerces Headless abilities. They have two choices. On the left they can sign in with their email address and password… which they really do not have. On the right is a Register button. That gets rarely used since the user has already ordered and provided their email address. They rightly think, “hey, I just need to get a password” and proceed to click on the “Forgot your password?” button
- The user is taken to the reset password screen, they enter their email and click on the “Reset Password” button.
- The user get a “Password Reset” email with a link to create a new password. They click on the link inside the email
- The user is taken to the wp-login.php?action=rp%wp_lang=en_US page to enter a new password. The user does this and hits the button “Save Password”.
- The user is taken to wp-login.php?action=resetpass. Here they are told the password is reset and and link to “Log in”.
- The user now thinks “ah, now I get to login and see when I’m getting the product I paid hard-earned $$$$ for”. They go to sign in by putting in their email address and newly minted password and click on “SIGN IN”. They then receive the message “Please check that you have entered your email address or password correctly”. Frustrated now, they click on the “Forgot your password?” button again, go through the process again only to achieve the same result.
As a result of this whole user experience, the user is left with little trust in the vendor selling them stuff since the vendor cannot even provide a password for their site that works. They walk away from their computer screen thinking “… did I just get scammed?” “How will they ever get my order right if that can’t even get this password setup for me.”
This and more is documented and sent to BigCommerce’s tech support and associated with HEADLESS-356 ticket. This should not take 6 months fix. This should be fixed yesterday.
From the client:
“… Unfortunately, we are still getting quite a few complaints about customers not being able to log in to their accounts.? Have you heard back from Eric from BigCommerce?? It would be nice to get this resolved once and for all.”
Please advise and send me your contact info so I can help in anyway I can to get this “resolved once and for all.”