• Resolved nazmussakib56


    I need only vendor sign up form in log in page.Because in my website ,i want everyone is my customer and also everyone is my ventor.Please give me a solution.

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  • Hi. I had a similar problem (needed to remove vendor registration). What worked for me was the solution given by roshni07 (using a child theme) in the following post:


    I hope that it helps.

    Hello @nazmussakib56,

    If you need to hide only the vendor registration, You are unable to make the change by default. You can hide the vendor registration button.

    Comment out line no: 68-71

      <input type="radio" name="role" value="seller"<?php checked( $role, 'seller' ); ?>> <?php esc_html_e( 'I am a vendor', 'dokan-lite' ); ?> 

    Use // to comment out. Make the changes using a child theme so that you do not lose the changes during an update. It is recommended to use a child theme during such modification. The mentioned link can be useful to you for the purpose: https://wpdoctor.press/overriding-dokan-plugin-template-easy/
    I hope this helps. Please check and let me know the result.

    Best Regards ??

    Thread Starter nazmussakib56


    Hello, @roshni07
    i can not found those line are in /wp-content/plugins/dokan-lite/templates/global/seller-registration-form.php


    Can you please check line no 65-68?
    I am getting the lines on those numbers.

    Thank you

    Thread Starter nazmussakib56


    Hello, @roshni07

    Here is my code- https://prnt.sc/ue1ku5 .please tell me which line are ?
    And again remember you that i need only ventor registration form not customer.


    Have a look at the screenshot: https://nimb.ws/C23JdN
    I think this will help you with more details

    Thank you

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by roshni07.
    Thread Starter nazmussakib56


    Thanks ,now i got it.And i would apply it and now hide the ‘i am a customer’ option but i also need to hide the form.Now hide the ‘i am a customer’ option but not hide the customer registration form.here is screenshot https://prnt.sc/ue1pyh .Now i need only the ventor registration form

    Thread Starter nazmussakib56


    Hello,@roshni07 mam .I waiting for your reply.Now you are the only one person ,who help me for this

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by nazmussakib56.

    Hello @nazmussakib56,

    To disable the registration form just disable the registration option from WordPress settings: https://nimb.ws/OYZQRS
    The registration option will no longer be there.

    Thank you ??

    Thread Starter nazmussakib56


    Hello @roshni07 ,Not working . Now also show the customer’s registration form

    Hello @nazmussakib56,

    If you have unchecked and saved the settings the registration form should not be there. In case it is still there please contact through a support ticket

    Tank you

    Thread Starter nazmussakib56


    Hello @roshni07 mam. I need your other help with dokan plugin. I post again but no one can reply to me. Please help me to solve the problem.
    I want to show the vendor profile picture and banner on the vendor dashboard. I use dokhan plugin. Please, mam, reply to my message.

    Hello @nazmussakib56,

    The vendors banner and profile picture options are there on the vendor dashboard setting tab already. Can you please let me know where exactly you want to show the banner and the profile picture as it is already on the setting section I am a bit confused? With your clarification, I will understand better and try my best to help

    Thank you ??

    Thread Starter nazmussakib56


    Hello, mam Thanks for your reply.
    And sorry for the late reply.
    I want to show the vendor profile picture and banner here- https://prnt.sc/uz3lgo
    Please see the image. Then you get my point.

    Thread Starter nazmussakib56


    Hello @roshni07 mam. I am hardly waiting for your reply.

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