Hi @dadka03, thanks for your message.
There are some issues that can occur in terms of Wordfence firewall optimization (if the path to wordfence-waf.php no longer matches your old site), or your Google reCAPTCHA keys aren’t associated with your new domain at Google’s end. I don’t think I’ve seen the WooCommerce /my-account page being replaced with that of the default /wp-admin page though.
It may be appropriate to contact WooCommerce support as it could be a plugin configuration issue that they frequently see when a migration takes place and can quickly identify it for you.
Our migration instructions are also here for your reference if any Wordfence configuration is now incorrect: https://www.wordfence.com/help/advanced/remove-or-reset/#migrate-with-wordfence
Let us know how you get on – or if you find further information we need to look into,