• Resolved Krielkip


    Hello Tracey,

    Is it possible to build in a way, so we can extend the wp_nav?
    In other words, can we extend the function widget and replace the wp_nav with a custom one:

    wp_nav_menu( array(
                    'menu'            => '',
                    'container'       => false,
                    'fallback_cb'     => false,
                    'items_wrap'      => '%3$s',
                    'depth'           => 0,
                    'walker'          => new my_page_menu
    			) );

    This would be awesome.


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  • Plugin Author Tracey Holinka


    I currently don’t have plans to do this. Can you explain what problem you’re trying solve so I can better understand why you want this functionality.

    Thread Starter Krielkip


    With this function i can build custom menu’s. Think about adding a img with the title of the item.

    I am using this on difference sites. Because this plugins works good. ??
    Maybe you can you use the extend tool? So i can extend it in the template.

    Thread Starter Krielkip


    Hello Tracey,

    Got a update for this. I edited your code to add a custom walker.
    I will share the code, maybe other people are happy to use it.

    File: better-menu-widget.php, line 86 -91;

    wp_nav_menu( array(
    				'fallback_cb' => '',
    				'menu'        => $nav_menu,
    				'menu_class'  => esc_attr( $instance['menu_class'] ),
    				'container'   => false
    			) );

    Replace with:

    if ( has_filter('better_menu_walker')) {
                    apply_filters('better_menu_walker', $instance, $nav_menu);
                else {
                    wp_nav_menu( array(
                        'fallback_cb' => '',
                        'menu'        => $nav_menu,
                        'menu_class'  => esc_attr( $instance['menu_class'] ),
                        'container'   => false
                    ) );

    Then you can it in another file with:

    function better_menu_walker_widget ( $instance, $nav_menu ) {
        wp_nav_menu( array(
            'fallback_cb' => false,
            'menu'        => $nav_menu,
            'menu_class'  => esc_attr( $instance['menu_class'] ),
            'container'   => false,
            'items_wrap' => '<ul id="%1$s" class="%2$s">%3$s<a class="hamburger" href="#" title="Open / Close Menu"><span>hamburger</span><div></div></a></ul>',
            'depth' => 0
        ) );
    add_filter('better_menu_walker', 'better_menu_walker_widget', 1, 2);

    or use it like:

    function better_menu_walker_widget ( $instance, $nav_menu ) {
            wp_nav_menu( array(
                'menu'        => $nav_menu,
                'container'       => false,
                'fallback_cb'     => false,
                'items_wrap'      => '%3$s',
                'depth'           => 0,
                'walker'          => new my_new_nav_page_menu
            ) );
        add_filter('better_menu_walker', 'better_menu_walker_widget', 1, 2);

    If you could add this, then this plugin is really great.

    Plugin Author Tracey Holinka


    Thanks for the code. I’ll take a look at as soon I get some down time.

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