• Hi Derek, thank you for your great plugin, I’m using it in one of my plugin, but with the version 2.7, I’ve a problem with my custom type icon-picker, it shows this error.

    Notice: ot_validate_setting was called incorrectly. All stored data must be filtered through ot_validate_setting_input_safe, the icon-picker option type is not using this filter. This is required since version 2.7.0.

    I just checked you are validation in ot_validate_setting function but with my custom type I don’t see a method to apply the validation without modifying OT itself, can you please suggest a solution for it.

    Icon-Picker code for the custom type

    if ( ! function_exists( 'ot_type_icon_picker' ) ) {
      function ot_type_icon_picker( $args = array() ) {
        /* turns arguments array into variables */
        extract( $args );
        /* verify a description */
        $has_desc = $field_desc ? true : false;
        $is_readonly = false;
        /* format setting outer wrapper */
        echo '<div class="format-setting type-date-picker ' . ( $has_desc ? 'has-desc' : 'no-desc' ) . ' p-tl-cont">';
        /* ICON picker JS */      
        echo '<script>jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $("#' . esc_attr( $field_id ) . '").iconpicker(); });</script>';
          /* description */
          echo $has_desc ? '<div class="description">' . htmlspecialchars_decode( $field_desc ) . '</div>' : '';
          /* format setting inner wrapper */
          echo '<div class="input-group format-setting-inner">';
            /* build date picker */
            echo '<input id="ptl-fav-icon" type="text" data-placement="bottomRight" class="form-control icp icp-auto"  name="' . esc_attr( $field_name ) . '" id="' . esc_attr( $field_id ) . '" value="' . esc_attr( $field_value ) . '" class="widefat option-tree-ui-input ' . esc_attr( $field_class ) . '"' . ( $is_readonly == true ? ' readonly' : '' ) . ' />';
            echo '<span class="input-group-addon"></span>';
          echo '</div>';
        echo '</div>';

    Thank you

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by agileLogix.
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