Custom Trustcard wird nicht angezeigt
bin nach Ihrer Anleitung zur individuellen Trustcard Platzierung vorgegangen:
Allerdings zeigt es daraufhin nur das leere <div> an. Hier der angepasste Code, ist das falsch oder woran liegt es?
(function () {
var _tsid = ‘{id}’;
_tsConfig = {
‘yOffset’: ‘{offset}’, /* offset from page bottom */
‘variant’: ‘{variant}’, /* reviews, default, custom, custom_reviews */
‘customCheckoutElementId’: ‘customCheckoutDivTS’
‘trustcardDirection’: ”, /* for custom variants: topRight, topLeft, bottomRight, bottomLeft */ ‘customBadgeWidth’: ”, /* for custom variants: 40 – 90 (in pixels) */
‘customBadgeHeight’: ”, /* for custom variants: 40 – 90 (in pixels) */
‘disableResponsive’: ‘false’, /* deactivate responsive behaviour */
‘disableTrustbadge’: ‘{disable}’, /* deactivate trustbadge */
‘trustCardTrigger’: ‘mouseenter’, /* set to ‘click’ if you want the trustcard to be opened on click instead */ ‘customCheckoutElementId’: ”/* required for custom trustcard */
var _ts = document.createElement(‘script’);
_ts.type = ‘text/javascript’;
_ts.charset = ‘utf-8’;
_ts.async = true;
_ts.src = ‘//’ + _tsid + ‘.js’; var __ts = document.getElementsByTagName(‘script’)[0]; __ts.parentNode.insertBefore(_ts, __ts);
})();Danke und herzliche Grü?e
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