• Resolved Cat


    I’m building a new website with a webshop with WooCommerce.
    We’re testing at the moment and when we have ordered, a confirmation email is sent to the customer.
    In this email there’s the text ‘Your order has been received and is now being processed. Your order details are shown below for your reference:’

    After that is a custom text that my colleague wrote.
    However, no matter where I look, I cannot find where he inserted that custom text! And he doesn’t remember…
    First place I looked of course was in WooCommerce – Settings – Emails. But I’ve checked all the subpages about 6 times now and I still can’t find it ??

    I’ve looked into the code and the code for this piece of text is
    <?php do_action( 'woocommerce_email_before_order_table', $order, $sent_to_admin, $plain_text ); ?>

    He must have put in that piece of custom text somewhere, but where?
    Can someone please help me out? How did we do this?
    (boy that sounds stupid… I’m sorry, really hope someone can help…)


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