• Christian


    Hi, quick and hopefully simple problem that I couldn’t find by searching through the forums.

    I have a travel site, and I created two new custom post types: “Destinations” and “Listings.” For “Listings,” I have added 2 new taxonomies, “Locations” and “Listing Types.”

    To populate each of these new taxonomies with all the terms, I used the Bulkpress plugin. It seemed to work fine, but I am unhappy with some of the tags that was given to several of the new taxonomy terms.

    For example, “Locations” is a hierarchical taxonomy; continents/regions are the parent terms, and individual countries are the child terms. Most terms have slugs just like I want them (lowercase and with hyphens, if two words), but some, like “Egypt,” has a slug like “egypt-africa-2.” It also won’t let me edit the slug.

    I was thinking that perhaps it is because I already have a TAG for “egypt,” but then I have “Australia” and that works just fine. Does anyone know what I can do to fox this?

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  • The – 2 indicates a slug already exists, so the new slug is appended with -2. This could be a page, post, or custom tax slug…also it may be in trash…slugs must be unique…

    Can you nav to /egypt-africa ?

    Thread Starter Christian


    Thanks so much for the quick response!

    The -2 Page links to Egypt, but just the egypt-africa page sends me to 404. Also, I would like to just have “egypt” as the slug, as opposed to even “egypt-africa”. Most of my other slugs are just one word.

    Thread Starter Christian


    Wait, actually, I tried both links again, and they both go to their own page. So I guess it does exist. How can I get rid of the other ones? And where did they come from to begin with? Thanks so much!

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