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  • Plugin Author donmik



    Have you tried BP Profile Search plugin?

    The normal buddypress search will only work with ids but bp profile search will allow you to search by tags.

    I have this issue also.

    “The normal buddypress search will only work with ids but bp profile search will allow you to search by tags.”

    That’s not quite true.

    With the default set of xprofile fields if you choose multi select or checkboxes it generates links like this for the resulting autolink fields:

    ^ this works fine.

    However if I change the links generated by the taxonomy field from id to text it doesn’t work.

    What’s the difference?

    I’ve modified the code and it seems to work.

    Save this code as ‘BXcft_Field_Type_MultiSelectCustomTaxonomy_Custom.php’

    and include the file in your theme, for example:

    Add this to your themes functions.php


       	class Bxcft_Field_Type_MultiSelectCustomTaxonomy extends BP_XProfile_Field_Type
            const ALLOW_NEW_TAGS = "allow_new_tags";
            public function __construct() {
                $this->name = _x( 'Custom Taxonomy Multiselector', 'xprofile field type', 'bxcft' );
                $this->supports_multiple_defaults   = true;
                $this->supports_options             = true;
                $this->set_format( '/^.+$/', 'replace' );
                do_action( 'bp_xprofile_field_type_multiselect_custom_taxonomy', $this );
            public function admin_field_html( array $raw_properties = array() ) {
                $html = $this->get_edit_field_html_elements( array_merge(
                        'multiple' => 'multiple',
                        'id'       => bp_get_the_profile_field_input_name() . '[]',
                        'name'     => bp_get_the_profile_field_input_name() . '[]',
                ) );
                <select <?php echo $html; ?>>
                    <?php bp_the_profile_field_options(); ?>
            public function admin_new_field_html (\BP_XProfile_Field $current_field, $control_type = '')
                $type = array_search( get_class( $this ), bp_xprofile_get_field_types() );
                if ( false === $type ) {
                $class            = $current_field->type != $type ? 'display: none;' : '';
                $current_type_obj = bp_xprofile_create_field_type( $type );
                $options = $current_field->get_children( true );
                if ( ! $options ) {
                    $options = array();
                    $i       = 1;
                    while ( isset( $_POST[$type . '_option'][$i] ) ) {
                        if ( $current_type_obj->supports_options && ! $current_type_obj->supports_multiple_defaults && isset( $_POST["isDefault_{$type}_option"][$i] ) && (int) $_POST["isDefault_{$type}_option"] === $i ) {
                            $is_default_option = true;
                        } elseif ( isset( $_POST["isDefault_{$type}_option"][$i] ) ) {
                            $is_default_option = (bool) $_POST["isDefault_{$type}_option"][$i];
                        } else {
                            $is_default_option = false;
                        $options[] = (object) array(
                            'id'                => -1,
                            'is_default_option' => $is_default_option,
                            'name'              => sanitize_text_field( stripslashes( $_POST[$type . '_option'][$i] ) ),
                    if ( ! $options ) {
                        $options[] = (object) array(
                            'id'                => -1,
                            'is_default_option' => false,
                            'name'              => '',
                $taxonomies = get_taxonomies(array(
                    'public'    => true,
                    '_builtin'  => false,
                <div id="<?php echo esc_attr( $type ); ?>" class="postbox bp-options-box" style="<?php echo esc_attr( $class ); ?> margin-top: 15px;">
                if (!$taxonomies):
                    <h3><?php _e('There is no custom taxonomy. You need to create at least one to use this field.', 'bxcft'); ?></h3>
            <?php else : ?>
                    <h3><?php esc_html_e( 'Select a custom taxonomy:', 'bxcft' ); ?></h3>
                    <div class="inside">
                            <?php _e('Select a custom taxonomy:', 'bxcft'); ?>
                            <select name="<?php echo esc_attr( "{$type}_option[1]" ); ?>" id="<?php echo esc_attr( "{$type}_option[1]" ); ?>">
                                <option value=""><?php _e('Select...', 'bxcft'); ?></option>
                            <?php foreach($taxonomies as $k=>$v): ?>
                                <option value="<?php echo $k; ?>"<?php if ($options[0]->name == $k): ?> selected="selected"<?php endif; ?>><?php echo $v; ?></option>
                            <?php endforeach; ?>
                            <?php _e('Allow users to add new tags:', 'bxcft'); ?>
                            <input type="checkbox" name="<?php echo esc_attr( "{$type}_option[2]" ); ?>"
                                id="<?php echo esc_attr( "{$type}_option[2]" ); ?>" value="<?php echo Bxcft_Field_Type_MultiSelectCustomTaxonomy::ALLOW_NEW_TAGS; ?>"
                                <?php if (is_array($options) && isset($options[1]) && $options[1]->name === Bxcft_Field_Type_MultiSelectCustomTaxonomy::ALLOW_NEW_TAGS): ?> checked="checked"<?php endif; ?> />
            <?php endif; ?>
            public function edit_field_html (array $raw_properties = array ())
                $user_id = bp_displayed_user_id();
                if ( isset( $raw_properties['user_id'] ) ) {
                    $user_id = (int) $raw_properties['user_id'];
                    unset( $raw_properties['user_id'] );
                // HTML5 required attribute.
                if ( bp_get_the_profile_field_is_required() ) {
                    $raw_properties['required'] = 'required';
                $html = $this->get_edit_field_html_elements( array_merge(
                        'multiple' => 'multiple',
                        'id'       => bp_get_the_profile_field_input_name() . '[]',
                        'name'     => bp_get_the_profile_field_input_name() . '[]',
                ) );
                <label for="<?php bp_the_profile_field_input_name(); ?>"><?php bp_the_profile_field_name(); ?> <?php if ( bp_get_the_profile_field_is_required() ) : ?><?php esc_html_e( '(required)', 'buddypress' ); ?><?php endif; ?></label>
                <?php do_action( bp_get_the_profile_field_errors_action() ); ?>
                <select <?php echo $html; ?>>
                    <?php bp_the_profile_field_options( "user_id={$user_id}" ); ?>
            public function edit_field_options_html( array $args = array() ) {
                $options        = $this->field_obj->get_children();
                $terms_selected  = maybe_unserialize(BP_XProfile_ProfileData::get_value_byid( $this->field_obj->id, $args['user_id'] ));
    			//print '<pre>1234';
    			//print '</pre>';
                $html = '';
                if ($options) {
                    foreach ($options as $option) {
                        if (Bxcft_Field_Type_MultiSelectCustomTaxonomy::ALLOW_NEW_TAGS !== $option->name) {
                            $taxonomy_selected = $option->name;
                    if ( !empty($_POST['field_' . $this->field_obj->id]) ) {
                        $new_terms_selected = $_POST['field_' . $this->field_obj->id];
                        $terms_selected = ( $terms_selected != $new_terms_selected ) ? $new_terms_selected : $terms_selected;
                    // Get terms of custom taxonomy selected.
                    $terms = get_terms($taxonomy_selected, array(
                        'hide_empty' => false
                    if ($terms) {
                        foreach ($terms as $term) {
                            $html .= sprintf('<option value="%s"%s>%s</option>',
                                        (!empty($terms_selected) && (in_array($term->name, $terms_selected)))?'selected="selected"':'',
                echo apply_filters( 'bp_get_the_profile_field_multiselect_custom_taxonomy', $html, $args['type'], $terms_selected, $this->field_obj->id );
            public function set_whitelist_values( $values ) {
                foreach ($values as $value) {
                    if (Bxcft_Field_Type_MultiSelectCustomTaxonomy::ALLOW_NEW_TAGS !== $value) {
                        $taxonomy_to_check = $value;
                $terms = get_terms( array(
                    'taxonomy' => $taxonomy_to_check,
                    'hide_empty' => false,
                    'fields' => 'id=>name',
                ) );
                if ( $terms ) {
                    $this->validation_whitelist = array_merge(
                        // Convert ids to strings for validation.
                        array_map( function($v) {
                            return "$v";
                        }, array_keys( $terms ) ),
                        array_values( $terms )
                return $this;
             * Modify the appearance of value. Apply autolink if enabled.
             * @param  string   $value      Original value of field
             * @param  int      $field_id   Id of field
             * @return string   Value formatted
            public static function display_filter($field_value, $field_id = '') {
                $new_field_value = $field_value;
                if (!empty($field_value) && !empty($field_id)) {
                    $field = BP_XProfile_Field::get_instance($field_id);
                    if ($field) {
                        $do_autolink = apply_filters('bxcft_do_autolink',
                        if ($do_autolink) {
                            $query_arg = bp_core_get_component_search_query_arg( 'members' );
                        $childs = $field->get_children();
                        if (!empty($childs) && isset($childs[0])) {
                            $taxonomy_selected = $childs[0]->name;
                        $aux = '';
                        $term_ids = explode(',', $field_value);
                        foreach ($term_ids as $tid) {
                            $tid = trim($tid);
                            $term = get_term_by('name', $tid, $taxonomy_selected);
                            if ($term && $term->taxonomy == $taxonomy_selected) {
                                if (empty($aux)) {
                                    $aux .= '<ul class="list_custom_taxonomy">';
                                $aux .= '<li>';
                                if ($do_autolink) {
                                    $search_url = add_query_arg( array(
                                        $query_arg => urlencode( $tid )
                                    ), bp_get_members_directory_permalink() );
                                    $aux .= '<a href="' . esc_url( $search_url ) .
                                        '" rel="nofollow">' . $term->name . '</a>';
                                } else {
                                    $aux .= $term->name;
                                $aux .= '</li>';
                        if (!empty($aux)) {
                            $aux .= '</ul>';
                        $new_field_value = $aux;
                 * bxcft_multiselect_custom_taxonomy_display_filter
                 * Use this filter to modify the appearance of Multiselector
                 * Custom Taxonomy field value.
                 * @param  $new_field_value Value of field
                 * @param  $field_id Id of field.
                 * @return  Filtered value of field.
                return apply_filters('bxcft_multiselect_custom_taxonomy_display_filter',
                    $new_field_value, $field_id);
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