• Does the plugin support custom taxonomies? There is a reference in the Settings to child inheriting all taxonomies (categories, tags, custom taxonomies…) from the original event. But I cannot readily see any shortcode samples on how to use custom taxonomies. If it indeed does not support custom taxonomies then would suggest to add this feature which will enhance the plugin many folds. Thanks for the great plugin.


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  • Plugin Author Bastien Ho



    custom taxonomies are supported, but it’s very tricky to implement a pretty UI for this.

    So you’ll have to edit manually th shortcode with these parameters:

    tax_name='' tax_term=''

    If you wan to write a tutorial, you’re welcome ?? !

    Thread Starter Nina15


    Thank you for the tip. While the shortcode syntax as you provided may well be valid, unfortunately it does not get parsed at all (neither does the before_title=”<h3>” after_title=”</h3>”) so somewhere in the code this is not being picked up. I have tried with hierarchical custom taxonomy specific to a supported post type and also with global custom taxonomies – it won’t filter, i.e. shows all events. I have also tried actual taxonomy names rather than slugs and no luck. Here are some examples for Custom taxonomy with slug “event-type” and Term slug “talk”:

    [events_list tax_name=”event-type” tax_term=”talk”]
    It lists all events same as [events_list]

    [events_list tax_name=”event-type” tax_term=”talk” cat=”business”]
    It lists events with category “Business” but does not include event “Talk” custom taxonomy.

    Unless I am doing something wrong here there needs to be some issue with the code and hope you can look into this when you get a chance.

    Once all sorted out I’d be happy to help with a quick tutorial. Thanks again.

    Plugin Author Bastien Ho


    is your custom-taxonomy associated with a custom_post-type ?

    Thread Starter Nina15


    Thank you for your response and sorry for late response – it seems I am not receiving WP support notifications. I have created custom taxonomies in functions.php as follows:

    add_action( ‘init’, ‘build_taxonomies’, 0 );
    function build_taxonomies() {
    register_taxonomy( ‘mycusttax’, array(‘post’,’mycpt’), array( ‘hierarchical’ => true, ‘label’ => ‘My Custom Taxonomy’, ‘query_var’ => true, ‘rewrite’ => true ) );
    and also attached to a post type using CPT UI plugin.

    Are you suggesting that the shortcode works only with certain types of custom taxonomies and if so which global or associated with a cpt?

    Hi i tried Nina’s solution but it doesn’t work either for me. It would be very interesting to be able to use custom taxonomies.

    Plugin Author Bastien Ho


    I re-open the ticket

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