Custom taxonomies disappeared
I have lost my custom taxonomies! I’ve checked behind the sofa or behind the curtains but they’re – lost! ??
I use custom taxonomies on a custom post type and have done for almost 2 years. It’s all been lovely and I’ve never had issues. I used them as recently as last Tuesday (6 days ago) and had no problems.
Today – gone! I just created a brand new custom post type and the custom taxonomy items to the right of the editor aren’t there. I tried editing an existing custom post type and it loads but doesn’t display the custom taxonomies on the right, or in the post itself. When I open the custom post type, it renders well as it should (so the data is still there for old items, clearly) The link with this comment shows you a custom post type.
More info:
Custom post type = Eatery
Custom taxonomies = Cuisine, Price range
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
I assume the taxonomies various settings are still present and saved with CPTUI, so it’s not so much a registration issue?
Are you able to create terms still, away from the post editor screen?
Are you still able to use them on the previous post types? or are they apparently gone regardless of the content type?
Did you change the capability type for the new post type, something away from “post” ?
If you copy/paste the CPTUI > Tools content on the right, for both the post type tab as well as the taxonomies tab, I can import and see if I can recreate the “missing” issue, or at least look over the settings themselves.
Cool questions – and here are my answers:
1 – the settings are still saved. The CPT UI still shows the taxonomies correctly registered. And when I look at the list of (past) custom types, the columns show me the right data in the right columns for the custom taxonomies. This tells me the data is there in the database and is correct.
2 – I don’t know how to create terms without the editor screen. I haven’t tried this.
3 – In previous post types, the custom taxonomies do not appear so I cannot change the fields. Example: For an eatery (custom post type), I set up the “Cuisine” (Custom taxonomy) so a restaurant can be tagged as “Indian” or “Sushi”. For old post types, the custom taxonomy does not appear in edit mode but it displays correctly on the web (see link in my previous comment).
4 – I did not change the capability type. Haven’t messed around with the CPT UI settings lately as I haven’t needed to.
5 – CPT UI > Tools data is: POSTS:
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I tried disabling the plugin and re-enabling it but that simple reboot didn’t have any effect.
I don’t know how to create terms without the editor screen. I haven’t tried this.
This would be done by visiting say: where you can see all the current terms available and how many posts are assigned to each.
It’s possible you’re experiencing some sort of errors on the server and that’s preventing things from rendering fully like expected.
I imported your settings above and I’m seeing the Cuisines and Price ranges taxonomy boxes in the block editor.
Granted I don’t have many terms outside of 1 each created.
Not sure how versed you are with browser developer tools, but the console tab should show errors if any are appearing.
Right! I didn’t realise this is what you meant re adding terms outside of the editor. Silly of me – and I’ve checked and I can add terms there. I can also see the post count for each term.
Your screen shot is exactly what I used to see and no longer do; it’s reassuring to see you can see these because it clearly is a matter of something on my side, and not related to the CPT UI plugin, I guess.
I think there is something wrong with my server because I can no longer see stats either so I’m looking into this too. How do I get to the console tab? I’m technical enough to be dangerous ??
Right click in the screen, and then in the context menu, choose “Inspect” or cmd+option+J or ctrl+shift+J in Chrome.
Ok – I see the console and can inspect individual elements but I don’t see any error messages or problems there. I’ll keep digging though
Have the console panel open and refresh the editor screen. You may also need to toggle some of the logging types as well with the browser UI.
I didn’t work on this yesterday (it was a holiday here in Europe and I was out hiking) but today, lo and behold, it works without problems.
So I didn’t need to reboot the server but needed to reboot … myself? ??
Joking apart, I greatly appreciate your help!
Very odd but happy to hear things are back in working order, regardless of whatever the source of the issue was.
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