• Resolved trevolutionary


    I installed this plugin and using it at a basic level (no pagination, limit=-1, etc, and not using the slider option). What I had, however, was different categories of testimonials which I implemented outside of this plugin as a custom taxonomy, but associated with this custom post type. And I wanted to be able to filter categories within the shortcode. So I modified the plugin (first time trying to modify a plugin, so I think it’s quite an achievement, lol).

    In the main testimonials.php folder, I altered the getTestimonials function to include a blank attribute called category.

    function getTestimonials($atts){
       $defaults = array(
                          'view'    => 'list',
                          'style'   => 'one',
                          'columns' => 3,
                          'limit'   => 10,
                          'thumb'   => 'medium',
                          'post_id' => '',
                          'orderby' => 'date',
                          'order'   => 'DESC',
    		      'category' => ''
       extract( shortcode_atts($defaults,$atts) );

    Then, beginning on line 49, I altered the $arg array by adding the tax_query calling the custom taxonomy I’d set up as follows:

    $args = array(
       	'post_type' => 'testimonial',
    	'posts_per_page' => $limit,
    	'orderby' => $orderby,
    	'order' => $order,
    	'tax_query' => array (array('taxonomy' => 'testimonialcategories', 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => array ($category))),
    	'paged' => $paged);

    All this worked so that I could run and successfully query the shortcode as follows for example:

    [testimonials view=list style="three" orderby="rand" limit="-1" category="student-and-teacher-quotes"]

    However I ran into a problem when I attempted to run the same shortcode with a different category on the same page. The first one worked fine, but the second one wouldn’t run. So I did lots of Googling and didn’t find very much. Then I just decided to see what would happen if I removed all the “_once” references in the code, for example, “require_once”, “include_once”. After I did that, it worked fine. ??

    Hope it helps someone else who might be looking to do the same thing I was.


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