• Ok, so I created a page in which users can create routines. Since that will generate a lot of data and I want to have a better control of that, I decided to create a custom table in my WP DB.

    The way I did this was based on a tutorial I found online: through phpMyAdmin. I simply opened the database and created the new table.

    After that, I tried multiple ways to add data through my form, but that did not work. I even tried reusing some code that I had (and I know it works) but nothing.

    Since adding data was not working, I decided to add data manually through phpMyAdmin, and then retrieve it. That didn’t work either.

    Then, for testing purpose, I installed a few of those plugins that allow you to see your DB Tables on the admin dashboard on WP. For my surprise, neither of the plugins listed my custom table.

    Even tho I can see it when I log in to phpMyAdmin, it’s like WP has no idea it exist and I have no way of accessing it.

    Does anybody know what I have to do to have access to that table? Or if I should be creating it differently?

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  • If you’re writing a WordPress plugin and need to store the data (routines in this case?), here’s a good place to start on how to do that:


    Thread Starter fe.ludens


    Hey, ahockley, thanks for the response.

    I am NOT creating a plugin. Let me be more specific in what I am trying to achieve:

    In one page, I creates a dynamic form (in which users can add/remove fields). To achieve that, I created a new page template.

    Now, I need to save the data of that form in a DB table. With that in mind, I created a new table on my WP DB named wp_routines.

    The problem is, I can’t get my data to save on that table, or retrieve anything from it. Moreover, I installed plugins JUST to see my table on the admim dashboard, but that table doesn’t show up.

    I came accross this link you shared multiple times today, but since I’m not creating a plugin (and I never had for that matter) so I was not really sure where all those functions go and etc.

    Hm…. I can’t say I’ve ever heard of anyone trying to store data inside the WordPress database but not do it as a WordPress plugin, but I suppose you’re not the first. Seems like a fragile recipe to me.

    It doesn’t surprise me that plugins designed to manage the WordPress database wouldn’t show tables that aren’t part of WordPress or that weren’t added via the usual WordPress database interfaces.

    I’m not sure what to suggest other that to build it as a WP plugin which should allow it to play nicely with WordPress.

    Thread Starter fe.ludens


    That would be the only way?

    I am working in this project where I intern, and I am the only one who works with development and the only one working on this project. I would love to learn more about plugin development, but I think that will take some time, and that is one thing that I don’t have for now.

    Maybe you have heard of a plugin that can do something similar to what I am trying to accomplish?

    Here’s how it will work:

    I have one page called routines, in that page, all routines the user has already added will be listed and once the user click on them, the item will expand to display the info stored. There should also be a button “Edit” that would allow users to edit the information previously saved.

    Besides that, there should be a “Add New Routine” button. After a user clicks on it, 3 input fields will be displayed. One of them, has the values from 1 to 7, and depending on what the user selects, more options will show up. Let say, for example, the user selected 1, then another fields will be displayed. If the user select 2, two sets of the same fields will be displayed. Each set consists of: “Day Name” and then it has another field called “Exercise name”, which has a check box in front of it. There’s also two more buttons “Add exercise” and “Remove exercise”, which will either delete the selected exercises, or add a new text input for a new exercise. And that’s what will be saved in the table in the database.

    This second part is already done (besides the part that saves it to the database).

    Just for more info, I plan on later, creating a new page in which those “routines” will be listed on a drop down (but it will only show the routines that specific user created). Once the user selected a routine, a new form will appear, displaying all exercises that have been added to that specific routine. Users can now populate those fields, which will also have the add/remove option for more or less sets. Then, similar to routines, it should be saved to the database and and the previous saved ones should be displayed on a list ordered by newest to oldest.

    Any advice or tips would be extremeeely helpful.

    Thanks for the help so far! =]

    Well, no, I can’t say I know of a plugin that’s already built that does that. I’m reminded of this article: https://chrislema.com/cant-afford-wordpress-plugin-want/

    You might be able to use one of the powerful forms plugins, like Gravity Forms, to build most of the input, but at the point where you’re talking about then presenting it back to the user for more custom work, what you’re really looking at is a pretty-specific web application.

    Have you considered doing this entirely outside of WordPress? Do do it in WP it really ought to be a plugin…


    Actually there are a number of threads on this forum that have developers asking exactly how to use custom post types with a custom table because of obvious scalability issues for sites with hundreds of thousands of rows of data. Most of them have been closed, but never answered. Do you really want to slow down the entire post-based site by cramming a half million, or a million, or ten million rows into it? For the average customers sitting on GoDaddy with no knowledge of memcache? That’s the average plugin customer today.

    The $wpdb codex article doesn’t cover it, neither does the how to create plugin tables article.

    We should keep that in mind when we ram a bazillion rows into their primary database table that the entire site uses, don’t you think that’s an obviously wise way to avoid the risk altogether? Lots of people have scale issues over 400-500k posts in the DB, the plugin we offer has the potential to create that many on any successful site, certaintly given years to do it.

    So why are there 10 closed threads on the topic and no good docs in the Codex for using Custom Post Types with your own custom table? Maybe it’s just buried but all the people asking for YEARS haven’t really been answered well. Why does Stack Overflow manage to have better insight on this than the Codex docs site? Now that WP is an extendable platform, it’s a pretty perfect question for anyone considering using it as the base framework. I’m tired of reading “oh nobody does that” or “databases can’t be too big, hardware can only be too small” – yeah no kidding, this is WORDPRESS we’re talking about, it’s installed millions of times on shared hosting!

    Let’s keep things quick and snappy, and humor the lunatic engineers on these forums who are just trying to think ahead a bit. Let’s not encourage the only design is to bloat the system with every plugin ever’s data.

    So the Question to the senior experienced support forum contributors and moderators is:

    What’s the best way to do it, officially?

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad


    @mystyleplatform You resurrected an 8 month old topic to go off point with your own observations about WordPress support and development?

    Don’t do that. Instead please start your own topic. Bringing back an old topic to editorialize isn’t necessarily helpful. This is a support forum not a blog comment section. ??

    Try the Miscellaneous sub-forum.


    I’m closing this topic as it’s old and your reply isn’t for the OP.

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