Custom Styling?
Great, easy plugin, Will!
I would like to customize the styling though. I’m using a child theme so I have a customization CSS file, but I can’t for the life of me figure out where the styling is for this form so that I can identify what tags to duplicate and customize. Can you point me to it?
Hi Steve,
Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it.
The Awesome Surveys plugin, by default, loads a couple of stylesheets for very basic structural formatting. Most of the styling is controlled by the pure forms css framework – you can find all you would like to know about it here: (which also depends on normalize.css) There are a few other styling rules applied by the style.min.css file that is bundled with the plugin. All of the styles that are (default) loaded by Awesome Surveys can be found in wp-content/plugins/awesome-surveys/css The ones that are loaded on the frontend are normalize.min.css, forms.min.css and style.min.css
There are non-minified versions of these in the same directory as well as a sass version of style.css if you’re fond of pre-processors. These are the files you should probably be looking at for examples on how the form is styled.
As of version 1.1 of Awesome Surveys, there is an option to not load any of bundled css on the frontend.
To expand on all of that, because the form builder relies heavily on a tool called the PHP Form Builder Class (pfbc) and when that tool was developed, it was developed with the bootstrap css framework in mind, many of the form elements have bootstrap classes applied to them; which is of no consequence if bootstrap isn’t loaded on your site, but if bootstrap is in the equation then custom styling may present some deeper challenges.
Hi Will,
I really appreciate your response. I’m a graphic designer, with just enough CSS/HTML knowledge to be dangerous, so much of what you is way over my head.
I tried turning off the CSS with new option to do so, but the appearance of the output didn’t change. When you turn off this feature, some basic styling is left on, I guess, but I can’t find where it is. Any further help you can provide, I would be grateful.
So sorry for marking unresolved. I wanted to make sure you saw this.
I discovered that the style.css file in the plugin directory will control the styling I want to change. However, I have to make the changes in that file for anything to take effect, which is not optimal, as you know, since any subsequent updates to the plugin will erase my changes. It there a way to tell it to load the style.css from my child theme directory for this form? All other theme and plugin modifications I’ve done with this child theme style.css, and they always override any associated styling elsewhere.
Perhaps I’m asking too much, or just don’t have enough experience. Yours is the one survey plugin that does what I need to do best. I do hope there’s a way to solve this customization bit.
Thanks once again.
So sorry for marking unresolved. I wanted to make sure you saw this.
I discovered that the style.css file in the plugin directory seems to control the styling I want to change. However, I have to make the changes in that file for anything to take effect, which is not optimal, as you know, since any subsequent updates to the plugin will erase my changes. Is there a way to tell it to load the style.css from my child theme directory for this form? All other theme and plugin modifications I’ve done with this child theme style.css automatically override any associated styling elsewhere.
Perhaps I’m asking too much, or just don’t have enough experience. Yours is the one survey plugin that does what I need to do best. I do hope there’s a way to solve this customization bit.
Thanks once again.
SteveThere are several methods you could use..but it sounds as if you’re most comfortable with editing the style.css in your child theme??? I would recommend that you A) disable the included css and then B) copy/paste the css from the plugin’s style.css into your child theme’s style.css and tweak those rules to you liking.
Another option might be to create a file in the same directory as your child theme’s style.css and use the ‘@import’ directive to include that css file.
As an example, if you created a file called survey-plugin.css in your child theme’s css directory you could add a line in style.css of your child theme like this:
@import url(“survey-plugin.css”)
but this method is generally discouraged from a page load speed perspective.
This is really helpful. I want to go with the first option (disabling the plugin’s style.css and replacing it in my child theme’s css). This works great when the form is placed in a normal page template. However, I’m trying to create a page template that displays no header and no footer, just the form with no branding, to use as an HTML overly in an Adobe DPS app. Can’t get that to work so far, since I’m in over my head programming-wise. That’s not your problem, however, and I’m not sure it can even be done.
Thanks again,
StevePS – Donation sent.
Since you’re creating a custom page template, you’re likely going to have to get your hands dirty with some code. For the task at hand you’re going to want to use the WordPress function
which is documented here:
and to do that properly you’re going to want to familiarize yourself with thewp_enqueue_scripts
action hook which you can find documented here:
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