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  • I’m having the same issue with the most recent plugin update.

    Thread Starter Dustin W. Stout


    Very frustrating. I worked really hard to make sure our knowledgebase was beautiful (struggled with this for a year) and finally got it to where I was happy with the results. Now… this. ??

    Plugin Contributor Maeve Lander


    Hey guys one other user wrote to me yesterday about this and let me know deactivating and reactivating the plugin solved it for him. I’m looking into the issue, but in the meantime can you please try and see if the same fix works for you?

    tried reactivating.. does not work.
    the sidebar is gone and appears below content in inner pages
    the breadcrumbs don’t display properly, they appear as a bulleted vertical list..
    i had to add custom CSS to ensure that background color is back to white! else it was loosing the primary content area’s bgcolor that was white..

    Yeah mine is screwed too:

    All the styling seems to have gone, I tried deactivating/reactivating but no joy.

    Is there anywhere to download the previous version as a temporary fix?

    For me, the only template file that was not being pulled in was the kbe_style.css file. A temporary workaround, as an alternative to reverting back to an older version of the plugin, was to manually ‘wp_enqueue_style’ the kbe_style.css file in my theme’s functions.php file.

    Thread Starter Dustin W. Stout


    Nope, deactivate/reactivate did not work for us either.

    Yip, ours is also broken after the latest update. Deactivating/activating didn’t work either. :-/

    Plugin Contributor Maeve Lander


    Ok thanks for trying guys. Sincere apologies for this. We’ll work on getting this fixed today. In the meantime you can revert to a previous version of the plugin if you need to >

    Plugin Contributor Maeve Lander


    Ok fix released. Please update and post back here if there are any further problems with this.

    Thanks again for your patience and sorry for the inconvenience.

    I still have the same problem, installed 1.13 and all my styling is gone.

    Hi, we have the same problem as above.

    It look dustinwstout and technique web has solved the problem on there sites. How did you do it?


    there is an error in the queue function. This is the right function. It can be found in wp-knowledgebase.php at line 271

    //=========> Enqueue KBE Style file in header.php
    function kbe_styles(){
        if( file_exists( plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . '/wp_knowledgebase/kbe_style.css' ) ){
            $stylesheet = plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . '/wp_knowledgebase/kbe_style.css';
        } else {
            $stylesheet = WP_KNOWLEDGEBASE. 'template/kbe_style.css';
        wp_register_style ( 'kbe_theme_style', $stylesheet );
    	wp_enqueue_style( 'kbe_theme_style' );
    add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'kbe_styles');

    @allaerd: That fixed it for me, thank you!

    I updated to 1.1.3 and it seems to have fixed the major layout issues however my customised styles in mytheme/wp_knowledgebase/kbe_style.css are being ignored.

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