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  • Step 1: Edit speed-contact-bar/public/class-speed-contact-bar.php. In the variables definitions, edit the line that reads:

    private $social_networks = array( 'facebook', 'googleplus', 'twitter', 'pinterest', 'youtube', 'linkedin', 'xing', 'flickr', 'slideshare', 'tumblr');

    to add your social media option to the comma-separated list. So you might add ‘imdb’.

    Step 2: Then edit speed-contact-bar/admin/class-speed-contact-bar.php. Edit function register_options() to add your new social media option to the admin panel. The easiest way is to copy one of the existing options and rename it. For example, you could copy the “xing” section and replace “xing” with “imdb.”

    'xing' => array(
    						'type'    => 'url',
    						'title'   => __( 'Xing Profile URL', self::$plugin_slug ),
    						'desc'    => __( 'Example', self::$plugin_slug ) . ':<br />'. __( 'Enter a valid URL. If the URL is invalid it will not be used.', self::$plugin_slug ),

    Step 3: Finally, create or obtain a square logo in .svg format and give it the same name you used in Step 2 (e.g. imdb.svg). Upload the icon to the plugin’s public/assets/images folder. You’ll probably find this in wp-content/plugins/speed-contact-bar/public/assets/images.

    Step 4: Go to the plugin Settings and enter the URL for your new option in the appropriate box.

    Good luck!

    Plugin Author Martin Stehle


    With the new plugin version 2.0 you can use a IMDb url. Uploading custom icons is a good idea. But I need the time to implement that. Please be patient.

    If you should need support again please start a new thread.

    If you think the plugin is useful I would be glad about your review.

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