custom shipping method in vendor shipping
I want to allow my vendors to use custom shipping method. But they see only 3 options: Flat Rate, Free Shipping, Local Pickup.
To be specific I want my vendors to use weight based shipping charges. For that I’m using a third party plugin that adds a custom shipping method.
I can see this method in wp-admin when I log in as site owner. But the vendors don’t see this option (I’ve selected vendor shipping option). How do I make it available for vendors?
Hi @vnathalye, as per the default flow of WC Marketplace, we support the default shipping method of WooCommerce i.e. Flat Rate, Free Shipping, Local Pickup
Now as you need weight based shipping, you may use WCMp Advance Shipping plugin ( As this plugin is compatible with WooCommerce Table Rate shipping (, hence vendor can add weight based shipping rates.
Let us know if you have any further query.
For some reasons I can’t use Table Rate Shipping.
I’m using This serves the purpose but it doesn’t show up for vendors.
@vnathalye, in that case, you have to make this Weight Based shipping plugin compatible with WC marketplace by doing custom code.
For this, we would request you to check the code of WCMp Advance shipping plugin and follow the same procedure to make the Table Rate shipping compatible with WC Marketplace.
@dualcube Ok. I’ll take a look at WCMp Advance Shipping code and let you know if I have further queries.
Sure @vnathalye.
Hi @dualcube,
To understand how shipping method settings are shown in modal dialog, I’ve started implementing my own shipping method. I’m returning custom html from
of my shipping method class. This html shows up for site admin (when I go to: WooCommerce > Settings > Shipping > Shipping Zones > my shipping zone > Edit my shipping method).But this custom HTML doesn’t show up for vendors (when I go to: Dashboard > Store Settings > Shipping > my shipping zone > Edit my shipping method). I get an empty modal dialog. What could be the reason and how do I show my custom HTML for vendors?
Hi @vnathalye, actually we are working on our advance shipping module to make UI compatibilities with our core plugins. Thats why you don’t get enough hooks/filters to add your data. Anyways we release this soon and provide you also the hooks/filters.
For now using this
do_action( 'wcmp_vendor_shipping_methods_edit_form_fields', get_current_user_id() )
hook you can add your shipping data HTML in vendor dashboard shiiping edit modal.Hi @itzmekhokan,
I tried using the hook you suggested. In my shipping method’s constructor I wrote:
add_action('wcmp_vendor_shipping_methods_edit_form_fields', array($this, 'show_edit_form_fields'));
Now whatever I’m echoing from
gets displayed on edit shipping method dialog but it appears as many times as the number of shipping methods added by the vendor. And moreover it’s appearing for each of the shipping methods.For example – check this screenshot:
The vendor has added 2 shipping methods: Flat Rate & my custom shipping method. If you see the test “does this show up?” is appearing twice at the bottom. And its appearing for Flat Rate as well.How do I know which shipping method is getting edited, the method ID and instance ID?
@itzmekhokan On further debugging, I see my previous understanding was wrong.
I added 1 more shipping method (Local pickup). So now there are 3 shipping methods for the given zone, added by the vendor. But still the text appears twice only. So its not dependent on the number of shipping methods. (But it still appears for all shipping methods.)
So to understand why its showing up twice, I echoed
$this->id . ':' . $this->instance_id . ' - does this show up? ';
. The instance IDs are 84 and 0. I can see that 84 is the instance ID of the custom shipping method added by site admin for the same shipping zone (which is not visible to vendor). But I could not understand what does the instance ID 0 corresponds to?Moreover the custom shipping method added by vendor has the instance ID 22, which is not getting displayed at all.
Now I’m all the way more confused:
Why is it not getting called for instance ID 22?
Where is the instance ID 0 defined?
Why does it get displayed for other shipping methods (Flat Rate and Local Pickup)?
How do I avoid it getting executed multiple times?Further observations:
For the same shipping zone, I added my custom shipping method twice as site admin and twice as vendor. So there are 4 instances of my custom shipping method for the given zone and their instance IDs are as shown below.22: added by vendor
24: added by vendor
84: added by site admin
85: added by site adminNow the echoed text shows up thrice with the instance IDs: 84, 85 and 0.
Hi @vnathalye, to show your custom shipping form data for respective shipping method only pass all your shipping fields html within this wrapper
<div class="shipping_form" id="your_shipping_method_id">
where replace divid
attribute with your custom shipping method id for ex.- flat_rate. For your case supposewbs
( Weight base Shipping ).Hi @itzmekhokan,
Yes, I figured it out on sunday and added my custom form. But that’s just one small part of it.
When we try to edit the custom shipping method instance, the method settings don’t get passed on to this form and this form remains empty. Moreover when we try to save the changes from this form, they don’t get saved. Both of these issues are caused by the code in
. The methodseditShippingMethod
have some hardcoded logic based on if conditions such as:if (methodId == 'free_shipping') { **** } if (methodId == 'local_pickup') { **** } if (methodId == 'flat_rate') { **** }
First of all these should have been
if ... else if ... else if
and then there is no logic for custom shipping method (the lastelse
part).For the time being / testing purpose I’ve added the logic for custom shipping here but now I’m facing issue in
. Here also the logic is based on hardcoded method ID checking and there is no logic available for supporting custom shipping methods. So my custom shipping method’scalculate_shipping
doesn’t get called at all. ??Can you plz help me with this?
Hi @vnathalye, yes we also notice that shipping module is not flexible with third-party implementation. There is some glitches in our codes that bounded with default methods.
We are sorry for that. We are already working on this. As soon as possible we give you an update on this.
Ok. NP.
I think I’ve managed it. I need some time to test and do code cleanup.
Once done will send a pull request (hopefully by tomorrow).Hi @vnathalye, please use this git version of WCMp linked here
To add your custom shipping follows steps –
By using this
apply_filters( 'wcmp_vendor_shipping_methods', $shipping_methods )
filter add your shipping method which will available in add shipping method drop down.By using this
do_action( 'wcmp_vendor_shipping_<your_shpping_method_id>_configure_form_fields', $shipping_method, $post_data )
hook add your custom shipping data fields. For example – shipping method’s default input fields namedtitle
.We sends all your given shipping input fields as formData as per shipping method settings fields.
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