Yeah I saw that code too. That makes that setting show up on the Email Before Download settings page. They have that commented out, as you pointed out. I noticed it a few weeks ago and found the code that goes with it that actually makes it work — the code that puts a hidden field in the HTML form & puts in the value that you put in the settings field. That code is NOT commented out. Meaning, it works whether or not you’ve uncommented the stuff in the settings page. In other words, you could simply put the hidden field in there yourself in the CF7 form. Or, your website visitor could put that field in there himself using any number of tools that let you modify the POSTed form data before it leaves your browser and end up setting the From: value for emails sent by EBD. I sent the plugin authors, M&S Consulting, an email message about this a few weeks ago but never heard about. It’s a bug in my opinion. Not a huge one — the security implications of it are fairly minor, but it should be fixed in my opinion.
If I remember the code correctly, then what happens is that EBD will check and see if EBD has a From: value set in the database already (wordpress settings). If so, it uses that. If not, it checks to see if the end user has submitted a form that includes a variable (hidden variable) to set the From: and then it will use that if so. If not, it just uses whatever the default is for your system (usually some weird computer name if it’s a shared-hosting account).
Many people are using SMTP plugins like Postman SMTP to set the From: value. For them, this shouldn’t be an issue. Others, are using the Custom Sender for Email Before Download plugin, which will set the From: value in the wp_settings (in the database), so for them this is not an issue either. However, for everyone that has never set a from: value in wp_settings, then they are exposed to someone from the outside submitting a form POST and setting that hidden variable which will then cause EBD to set the From: to that value from then on (I think .. I could be wrong, it’s been a few weeks since I looked at it, but I believe that is the case). Like I said, I notified M&S Consulting, but no response…