• Hello folks! I have a custom wordpress rss feed I created. I am using a child theme based on Astra. The environment is windows based using plesk. So no .htaccess file but a web.config file. The custom rss feed redirects to a media file instead of displaying a feed. According to the first har file I exported the culprit was yoast seo. I have disabled all plugins and when I do the feed still gets redirected by wordpress (per a har file) to domain.org/feed/{custom feed name}/feed/{custom feed name} and then does display a rss feed of the home page. I suspect it has something to do with my web.config file but can’t quite put my finger on it.

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  • Moderator bcworkz


    So you request a feed and get a media file in return? Are you sure there’s a redirect? If you have any server resource (file or folder) that matches the feed request, you will always get that resource and never a feed. Similarly, if there is indeed a redirect that leads to a server resource, you’ll never get the feed. You need to rename either your feed or the resource.

    Thread Starter jtank2


    According to the har file(s) the URL is being redirected. No matter what I name the feed it redirects to a media file or domain.org/feed/{custom feed name}/feed/{custom feed name} if I disable all the plugins. I’ve changed the name of the custom feed several times to no avail. So for example the original custom feed was /{category_name}/feed/hubspotfeed I changed it to /{category_name}/feed/fm and several other variations. The names of the media file (s) that it redirects to are SODNov07.mp3 and donationform.pdf depending on what category’s custom feed you’re trying to view. Nothing in the file name matches anything, our DNS is through cloudflare, I turned on development mode to bypass cloudflare and it still reacts in the same way. I’ve looked everywhere that I can think of for any redirect but have found nothing.

    Moderator bcworkz


    Do you still get strange redirects with a normal default feed request?

    Does your child theme have other modifications of Astra or is it only for feed functionality? Besides deactivating plugins, we should take Astra out of the equation and use a default Twenty* theme as a parent. You may need to break out only the custom feed portion of your child theme to work with a default theme as cleanly as possible. If you still get redirects with this setup, I would strongly suspect the issue is within your custom feed itself.

    Thread Starter jtank2


    @bcworkz I do not get redirects from the normal feeds. The custom feed works fine on the other installations, the child them for Astra only contains the custom feed and a function to order posts from a specific category in a custom order. I have not tried switching to a basic theme on the affected site but will and let you know.

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