Custom Rewrite Slug causes Pagination not to work
Hi, using the custom rewrite slug feature on this plugin makes the pagination (example: lead to an error 404 page. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
Here is what my post type settings look like:
{ "custom_post_type": { "name": "unique_post_type", "label": "Unique Posts", "singular_label": "Unique Post", "description": "", "public": "true", "publicly_queryable": "true", "show_ui": "true", "show_in_nav_menus": "true", "delete_with_user": "false", "show_in_rest": "true", "rest_base": "", "rest_controller_class": "", "has_archive": "false", "has_archive_string": "", "exclude_from_search": "false", "capability_type": "post", "hierarchical": "false", "rewrite": "true", "rewrite_slug": "unique-post-type", "rewrite_withfront": "true", "query_var": "true", "query_var_slug": "", "menu_position": "", "show_in_menu": "true", "show_in_menu_string": "", "menu_icon": "dashicons-businessman", "supports": ["title", "editor", "thumbnail", "excerpt", "trackbacks", "custom-fields", "comments", "revisions", "author", "page-attributes", "post-formats"], "taxonomies": [], "labels": { "menu_name": "", "all_items": "", "add_new": "", "add_new_item": "", "edit_item": "", "new_item": "", "view_item": "", "view_items": "", "search_items": "", "not_found": "", "not_found_in_trash": "", "parent_item_colon": "", "featured_image": "", "set_featured_image": "", "remove_featured_image": "", "use_featured_image": "", "archives": "", "insert_into_item": "", "uploaded_to_this_item": "", "filter_items_list": "", "items_list_navigation": "", "items_list": "", "attributes": "", "name_admin_bar": "", "item_published": "", "item_published_privately": "", "item_reverted_to_draft": "", "item_scheduled": "", "item_updated": "" }, "custom_supports": "" } }
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