• Leo Blanchette


    Lets say on average your custom post type has at least 25 tags, and usually up to 50.

    Its not enough to find “related” posts by simply whether or not they share the same tags, but instead you’d want to rank them according to how many tags they share.

    I can’t seem to do this by common WP_query() methods…I think I might need a whole custom query.

    Unfortuantely I’m not familiar enough with WP’s tables to write a query that sophisticated.

    Anyone have any ideas how to do this?

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  • Thread Starter Leo Blanchette


    Just got back – that might be it. But you made a very good documentation on using the functions anyway – check this out –


    Bottom of page – its working great. Lots of other sites will benefit too.

    I’ll look at everything you stated in the meantime.

    Hi keesiemeijer,

    I’m trying to use your function that you wrote above (as opposed to the plugin) and I can’t seem to get any results.

    I’m trying to use it on the single pages for a custom post type (‘projects’), against a custom taxonomy (‘industry’). (If I could match against a second taxonomy, ‘discipline’, that would be even better, but not necessary).

    I’ve tried modifying the tax_query array within the function to

    'tax_query'      => array(
                'post_type' => 'projects',
                'taxonomy' => 'industry',
                'field'    => 'id',
                'terms'    => $tag_ids,
                'operator' => 'IN'

    as well as changing wp_get_post_tags to wp_get_post_terms, but no change makes any difference.

    The reason I want to use the function rather than the plugin as I have some very specific formatting I want for the results (as well as referencing some ACF values).


    Moderator keesiemeijer


    Try it with wp_get_post_terms()

    Here is a modified version for your ‘industry’ taxonomy:

    Another way to get the related posts is to use the functions from the plugin.

    consider creating a child theme instead of editing your theme directly – if you upgrade the theme all your modifications will be lost.


    I still couldn’t get a result using the modified version you posted, but I managed to get it working using the functions from the plugin (I completely missed that when I looked at the documentation earlier, sorry about that) and making sure the post type was included in the arguments.

    Thanks also for the tip on child themes. It’s not necessary on this particular project as the entire theme is a custom one from scratch, but will note it for other projects.

    Moderator keesiemeijer


    You’re welcome ??

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