• nelsonkoehn


    I would like my profile page to match the rest of my theme. I have created a theme template named ‘settings.php’. I have created a blank page named ‘Settings’ located at Settings. In ‘settings.php’ I have copied over ‘/wp-admin/user-edit.php’ into. After a few other modifications I have been able to bring up my profile in my theme. It will update if you post to ‘/wp-admin/profile.php’ but not to ‘/settings/. How can i post the form back to itself and make it update?

    [Code moderated as per the Forum Rules]

    These are to channel out of ‘mysite.com/wp-admin/’ and into ‘mysite/’

    How can i post the form back to itself?


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  • I am interested in the answer to this one as well since we are trying to do the same thing on a project. Generally I think customization of profile and profile editing form could be better, but maybe I am missing something?

    I have been searching for hours trying to figure out how to do exactly the same thing. My original thought was to include user-edit.php in a template file, but I am not getting that to work.

    did you ever figure out how to get to post back and update?

    I have found some methods to modify user-edit.php that require modification of core files, but that is obviously not optimal.

    I have to agree that easier customization of profile forms could be better.

    I just discovered a plugin that accomplishes this very well.
    Theme My Login
    Worked perfectly for me out of the box with a few minor css tweaks. It does not allow filtering of profile sections, but it does update my custom profile fields which is more important for me.

    Wish I had found this before I spent more hours than I want to think about googling for answers!

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