• Resolved JoeLyons23


    Everything is installed and working from what I can tell. With this plugin and elasticsearch I have been able to expand my search results to include a Custom Post Type Title, however the search is not returning any results from a custom field (multi-line text) associated with this CPT. Is there a way to add this custom field to be indexed by elasticsearch?


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  • Plugin Author wallmanderco


    The data is already indexed but not used in search. To add fields to be search take a look at this:

    There are 2 filters, esi_search_fields_multi_match and esi_search_fields_fuzzy.

    Meta data is stored in meta_data.my_field_name.

    You should be able to figure the rest out. If not then post here and I’ll assist you further.
    If you solved it, then post here and let me know how it went. ??

    Thread Starter JoeLyons23


    Thanks for the quick response. The field name I am looking to include in the search is wpcf-synopsis

    However when I include ‘meta_data.wpcf_synopsis’ to the filters, the results are not changing.

    Here is the code… Am I missing something obvious here?

    public static function argS(Query $query, $value, &$q)
                'bool' => [
                    'should' => [
                            'multi_match' => [
                                'fields' => apply_filters('esi_search_fields_multi_match', [
                                    'meta_data.wpcf-synopsis' ,
                                'query' => $value,
                            'fuzzy_like_this' => [
                                'fields' => apply_filters('esi_search_fields_fuzzy', [
                                'like_text'      => $value,
                                'min_similarity' => apply_filters('esi_min_similarity', 0.75),
    Plugin Author wallmanderco


    Sorry, my bad. Its post_meta and not meta_data.

    Change that and it should work, however, you are not really sopose to edit the code in the plugin directly. Try adding this to your themes functions.php instead:

    function addSynopsisToSearch($vars)
        $vars[] = 'post_meta.wpcf-synopsis';
        return $vars;
    add_filter('esi_search_fields_multi_match', 'addSynopsisToSearch');
    add_filter('esi_search_fields_fuzzy', 'addSynopsisToSearch');
    Plugin Author wallmanderco


    I’ll close this due to lack of response.

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