• Hi, I’m using custom post type to create my posts and the plugin dosn’t work. I can see add to favorites button on the post page; I can klick to add it and I get a message that the post is my favorite one but when I go to the page that should show the favorites post list there is nothing to show. I was trying with a regular post and everything is working. How do I do if I want be able safe my custom post as favorites?


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  • Hi Flick, great stuff. Could you please tell me, does your code above go into functions.php or does it go in one of the plugins files?



    Hi triggeru571,

    I put this code into a Template file directly… I created a template file in my Theme for the favourties page. You could put the code in your functions file by putting the relevant code inside a few hooks though.

    It still dos not work for me even if I change the code as Alexsean explained ??
    Somebody has another solution ?

    Thank you alexsean. The code replacement in wpfp-page-template.php worked perfectly for me. Been looking all day for a solution ??

    Hi guys;

    the above code inside the wpfp-page-template.php outputs the favs of the current user, with post-type issues that you probably solved.

    I’m trying to query most favorited of custom type ‘idea’ on archive-ibest.php .

    here’s the code of archive-ibest.php :

        $custom_query = new WP_Query(array(
            'post_type' => 'idea',
            'meta_key' => 'wpfp_favorites',
            'orderby' => 'meta_value',
    <?php if (have_posts()): ?>
    <?php while ($custom_query->have_posts()) : $custom_query->the_post(); ?>
    			<!-- Content Template -->
                                                    <?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/CONTENTS/idea.php'); ?>
    			<!-- Content Template -->
    						<?php endwhile; ?>
    						<?php wp_reset_postdata(); ?>
    						<?php endif; ?>

    just nothing appears as results.

    I would be grateful for any help. I’ve also created a thread for this but nothing yet. here it goes :


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