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  • +1 request for this feature — custom post type support.

    Hello, thanks for reporting. As long as the taxonomy of the post hierarchy is retained, this should not prevent cross-posting. How is your site creating the custom post type? Is it with a plugin or theme? Taking a look at your site, I was unable to determine how the custom post type is created.


    So After a couple hours of playing around I found a fix to add support for custom post types.
    In the plugin folder : Medium->lib->medium-admin.php a few lines need to be changed.

    Line 46 :
    add_action("add_meta_boxes_post", array("Medium_Admin", "add_meta_boxes_post"));
    Needs to be changed to :
    add_action("add_meta_boxes", array("Medium_Admin", "add_meta_boxes_post"));
    *the action “add_meta_boxes_post” obviously only fires on the “post” post type.

    Line 290 :
    WHERE p.post_type = 'post'
    You will need to add a AND your post type line, so mine ended up looking like :

    WHERE p.post_type = 'post'
    AND p.post_type = 'courses'

    * This will allow for CPT migration

    On line 456
    add_meta_box("medium", "Medium", array("Medium_Admin", "meta_box_callback"),null, "side", "high");
    Will need to change “null” to an array of values, so mine looked like :
    add_meta_box("medium", "Medium", array("Medium_Admin", "meta_box_callback"),array("courses","post"), "side", "high");

    And finally on line 468 :
    $allowed_post_types = apply_filters("medium_allowed_post_types", array("post"));
    Needs to be updated with all the post types you need, so mine looked like:
    $allowed_post_types = apply_filters("medium_allowed_post_types", array("post","courses"));

    Hopes that helps

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