• adjustreality


    is there any way to have custom post meta+html not output if the box is blank?

    I’m bit of a php newbie and have been reading up on it, but i have tried ‘undefined’ as well as ‘null’. Also tried: if (isset($embed)), but probably did it wrong? None seem to work.

    if ($embed != null) {
    	echo '<div id="slide"><iframe title="YouTube video player" width="424" height="348" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/';
    	echo get_post_meta($post->ID, "embed", true);
            echo '" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>';

    here is portion of functions.php that has the embed code for custom post meta:

    add_action('init', 'package_register');
    function package_register() {
    	$args = array(
        	'label' => __('packages'),
        	'singular_label' => __('package'),
        	'public' => true,
        	'show_ui' => true,
        	'capability_type' => 'post',
        	'hierarchical' => false,
        	'rewrite' => true,
        	'supports' => array('title', 'editor', 'thumbnail')
    	register_post_type( 'package' , $args );
    	add_action("admin_init", "admin_init");
    	add_action('save_post', 'save_embed');
    	function admin_init(){
    		add_meta_box("prodInfo-meta", "package Options", "meta_options", "package", "side", "low");
    	function meta_options(){
    		global $post;
    		$custom = get_post_custom($post->ID);
    		$embed = $custom["embed"][0];
    		echo '<img src="https://www.address.com/wp-content/themes/slideshow/images/vimeo.png"><br /><label>embed:</label><input type="text" name="embed" value="'. $embed .'" />';
    function save_embed(){
    	update_post_meta($post->ID, “horario”, $_POST["date"]);
    	global $post;
    	update_post_meta($post->ID, "embed", $_POST["embed"]);
    // custom table columns
    register_taxonomy("catalog", array("package"), array("hierarchical" => true, "label" => "Catalogs", "singular_label" => "Catalog", "rewrite" => true));

    also anyone know if custom post meta can store html? seem to have some issues with it storing html, but alpha-numeric numbers seem to work fine.

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  • stvwlf


    If what you are trying to do is only display the iframe when there is a value in the custom field you can try it like this:

    $embed = get_post_meta($post->ID, "embed", true);
    if ($embed) {
    	echo '<div id="slide"><iframe title="YouTube video player" width="424" height="348" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/';
    	echo $embed;
            echo '" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>';

    That code assumes you have not already created a variable named $embed before this routine. If you have this code will overwrite its value.

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